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If Wake boarding gets into the Olympics, will you be mad?


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  • Baller

Out of all the sports vying for that coveted spot for the 2020 Olympics (and there are eight of them now including Wrestling), this one probably has the best chance now more than ever....



In this one video, nearly all the pertinent questions that the IOC Olympic Program Commission will ask of each sport bidding for that spot have been answered. Questions that deal with participation, worldwide popularity, televisual esthetics, youth outreach, limited Olympic tournament field and more. I very much doubt that the IWWF can answer those kinds of questions with the effectiveness that it would take to be the sport chosen for the 2020 Games, whether they happen to be held.


Tony Lightfoot

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Drop badminton and they have my vote for squash. I have seen a squash event held inside Grand Central Station in NYC and in downtown Chicago in the glass courts. Very cool, very fast game. I would love to see it in the Olympics.
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If the contents are to be believed, then there might be up to THREE sports being voted into the 2020 Games....




The folks handling the joke that is the IWWF Facebook presence are getting all giddy with excitement over this.



Tony Lightfoot

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I am not against wake boarding. With one exception wake boarding does nothing for traditional water skiing. That one thing is to make money for the ski and boat factories.


I know many of you wakeboard a little and or your 12 year old girl may wakeboard. Whatever. This site is as inclusive as I can make it but what binds the Ballers together is a desire to round more balls and the lifestyle that goes with it. It is a narrow and intense focus. So what is the problem with wakeboarding?


At the peak of wakeboarding it is surf/ skate/ X-Games culture. It is loud music, tattoos and pot smoking. It is huge boats thrashing shorelines and tearing out buoys. When I watch the RedBull wakeboard events on TV I see guys having fun but they are not my people.


I care about the future of wakeboarding as much as I care about Supercross. I might watch it on ESPN for 10 minutes but I do not care. As long as they do not impact what I am doing I do not care. I have no reason to support it. We need to focus on promoting Water Skiing. If cable wakeboarding gets to the Olympics it is good for those athletes but I do not think it will do anything for us and I am unsure it will even grow wakeboarding.


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@Horton. Do you think that wake sports boats on public waters is partly why there are so few weekend Wally slalom skiers now?


Most of us over 40, grew up shredding glass on the local public lake. Just seems like not many people still do this. Maybe all the good water has been overrun with wake surfing, etc...

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@brady has the right sentiment. More public exposure to towed sports will only help in the long run. We just need a little patience - eventually some of the boarders will cross back over to skiing again. @horton also has it right - I believe that wakeboarding is subsidizing ski and boat development with most manufacturers.
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@ToddL, I think you are on the right track. We have no course in this area, so it's open water skiing on the two local lakes. On any given weekend, you MIGHT see another person or two taking a slalom run, and that will have to be done before 9:00 am. After that, the lake is full of titanic size boats with 1,000lb. ballasts going 15 miles an hour in circles (most have no clue how to manage their driving path) and the lake is shot for the rest of the day. At that point, I just resign myself to pulling the kids on kneeboards or tubes (up to now, I won't buy a wakeboard or surf ski). Even that ceases to be fun when the lake gets so rough.


I also agree with @Horton to an extent, especially about these tower stereo systems. I don't need to hear you on the other side of the lake. Many will even crank it up when they're parked next you on the beach and you're trying to enjoy lunch. I have never had this issue with another slalom type boat or group. Just different strokes. They aren't bad people, in fact they're usually nice to talk to on the boat ramp or whatever. It's just that what they do doesn't blend with what I do, on or off the water.


So to answer the original question, wakeboarding in the oly's "might" be good for the manufacturers, but if it pushes more people onto the lake in bigger boats rather than adding more slalom skiers, I wouldn't like it. Just my honest, greedy .02 cents.


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@MattP, yes, for boat manufacturers there is the assumption that it's a boat-pulled event. Cable would have no impact. The other consideration, as small as it may be, is if wakeboard sales go up for companies that also make skis, it would be additional income for them. I would like to see them stay in business, if for no other reason than to keep being able produce slalom product.
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Also keep in mind the only companies that "joined" with wakeboard companies are HO, O'Brien, Connlley, Jobe, and Radar-sorta?. D3, Mapple, Sans Rival, Goode, Razor, Reflex, KD, Goodman, Stokes and Quantum are not related to any wakeboard sales period.
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I was Born (in the 60's) and Raised on the Colorado River (Havasu, Needles, Parker, Blythe) The water was ALWAYS Busy after late morn. it was Bad for Skiing and Bad for the 500+hp Flats that ruled the smooth water. We always got up early, picked our moments in the afternoon and then waited til about 6pm for the Glass.


Wake Boats are just a different Hull doing the same 'ol thing people have been doing for 40+yrs; Screwing up the smooth water!


Anyone wanna buy a 500+ hp Flat? (may not be IOC approved) :D

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  • Baller_

FILA (International Association of Wrestling Styles) has over 30,000 likes on their facebook page.


IWSF or IWWF or whatever they are called (IWWF.com isn't even functional anymore after they made a big push to change the name..) has 1,600 likes on their facebook page.


Wrestling should have never been axed.


Cable anything, seems to me, could help us all....but it will kill me to see it at the expense of an international sport like wrestling. I don't think it will happen.



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Kudos to Chef23- my thoughts exactly! Dropping wrestling will also open up room for some great events like competitive Zumba, or maybe roller skate pole dancing, In Winter they could drop one of those boring ski races and add a neat event akin to curling or ice dancing... The IOC really has their act together these days. USAWS (and others) keeps sending money and they keep serving up more great stuff!

And nope, I don't really care and I wont be watching either.

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What @Horton said about the X-Games type culture. Yesterday I was watching the Super Pipe competition from Park City and they had the camera on the one female champion. Can't remember her name. I thought of @Horton's comments and was thinking, "She looks like a clean cut all-American cutie. I wonder if she smokes pot when she gets back to the hotel room and I wonder if she has any tattoos under her clothes. Nah, I doubt it."


Just then the camera changed angles and showed the big ring through her nose. LMAO.

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, If I'm not mistaken I think there are a fair share of long hair, Pierced & Tatted up Skiers out there. (Pro Skiers even)


Not taking aim at anyone in particular, but to Judge and Sterio Type and further compartmentalize people and their Sport (Regardless of Hair, Tatoos, Smokin Pot, Drinkin Beer or freaking Rum...) Just further DIVIDES and creates unjustified divisions that in NO WAY will ever help the Sport of Slalom. (or anything...)


These attitudes are NOT Cool, They are NOT Hip, They're not even American... Unless you count the childish way that many Parents acted waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the 50's when, with the same kind of shallow ignorance, they Judged poor ol Elvis... -not sure but, I think Elvis went on to International fame and Success, partially fueled by the Great publicity and judgement of his haters and strengthened by the Alliance of his supporters. I would be freaking embarrassed to think and act as uncool and unhip as those stick in the Mud, uptight parents did...


If Slalom ever wants to grow, WE (all of us) will need to figure out how to Reach out and be in the MAJORITY, not the Minority. The interviews, the Commercials and the Cameras are focused on the MAJORITY, that is where the $$$ is...






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Yes there are a few pro skiers that look edgy. Marcus has the dreads. Trent, Nicole Arthur and J-Mac are all tatted up. All great skiers and all people I hold in high regard. They are the elite not the core.


The core of the customers for high end slalom skis, the core of AWSA members, and the core of this site are professional men 35 to 55. That is the audience for this sport. We need to grow and grow the appeal but not at the expense of the core.


You are not likely to hear Jay-Z blaring out of the stereo of a gigantic lifted truck at a water ski tournament. Chances are the volume on the PA will be moderate and the Eagles or some other (boring) classic rock is playing (Non-stop Pink Floyd at @jdarwin's lake). Slalom skiers are not part of the X-Games culture. Yes, there are more of them than there are of us but if we try to be them we will lose our core. The X-Games crowd are not likely to come our way.


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O.K. the mere fact that one "Can" look edgy and still be Cool and respected pretty much underscores why another should not be So quick to Judge!


If the Core of Slalom is limited to 35-55 yr. old Professional Men, and that is "The" audience for this Sport, then we've got a bigger problem then the Wake Board crowd.


I would fit right in with Eagles, Foreigner, Tom Petty and Mellencamp crowd. (I Love it!) But, I'd also like to have the chance to Hang with the younger crowd and their zeal for Life, kinda Livin' in the moment and not yet so overwhelmed or burdened by the Mid-Life LIFE!


Setting up absolute Divisions and "Us or Them" propositions will only further DIVIDE and fuel the Rebellious Human Spirit. Which will naturally push the younger crowd even further away.


There are MANY people who can relate to this philosphy within the Church. One Example: Too often, some of the very same Uptight Judgemental and condeming folks who wish their Church would grow are the very same Uptight Judgemental and condeming folks that are pushing people away...


something to consider....

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Whatever. My real point is that what happens to wakeboarding on the world stage will most likely not do much for the world of 3 event skiing. We have our issues and they have their issues.
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  • Baller
The Olympics both the summer and the winter lost their mystique when they changed it so one of them would be held every two years, and when they started letting professional athletes in. I still enjoy them though. I would like to see it in the olympics, but no one but other water skiers has any interest in watching the pros..
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I am probably a little biased as my girlfriend is a wake boarder so I would not be mad. I would love the opportunity to get to see her compete at the Olympics although she would probably be retired by then. Have to assume it will be Cable Wake Boarding.

Would love skiing to be in there as well but not sure that will ever happen.

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The only good thing about wakeboarding is the revenue for the boat companies when they sell bath tubs full of bling that throw huge wakes. If it gets in and it is a boat towed event that brand would make tons of $$$$. You can not buy that kind of marketing.

"Do Better..."

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@mshaw200 no I do not it would negatively impact water skiing.


What I do not want to see is funds from USAWS going to toward this effort if 3 event does not get anything back. If the WSIA wants to contribute I would understand that. In fact that would make a lot of sense.


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@Horton are you aware of any money USAWS has spent on the effort? With the possible exception of some AAC travel reimbursement to attend meetings (and I'm not sure about that!), I'm aware of nothing spent by USAWS. However, USOC HAS provided funds to USAWS for the past several years.


There seems to be some opinion that USAWS has (or is) spending money on this effort and I do not believe that to be a fact.

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@jdarwin will be the 1 for clarification


My understanding is the whole structure of the current organization was setup to comply to the IOC. That is to say we are linked to show skiing and ski racing as a result of trying to get into the Olympics.


In addition to that if USAWS is spending $ on getting cable wake boarding in the Olympics I do not understand how that is not AWSA $ since we are the biggest division by far.


@Jdarwin I set it up. Hit it home or correct me.

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  • Baller
@Horton - Keith is correct. I'm not aware of any financial commitment of USAWS on Cable Wakeboarding’s behalf in regard to Olympic inclusion. This is more of a IWWF sponsored endeavor. But, if cable does indeed overcome what are significant obstacles to inclusion, the funding provided by the USOC would be earmarked specifically for athlete development in that specific discipline. In other words, AWSA would not see a direct infusion of cash from this. USAWS will be bound to direct the funds into cable wakeboarding. And, the amount of cash USAWS could receive would be directly related to medal count at Olympic events. There are some “trickle down” benefits such as product development, site specific development and membership development (overall watersports exposure) that could benefit AWSA members. But, I’m not banking on this happening. The primary focus of the Olympic movement is to eliminate disciplines – not add additional ones that would require site-specific construction and expenditures for host sites. They would be more willing to invite sports that could share existing infrastructure.
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