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Looking to Purchase my First Ski


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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this site and am thinking about buying a ski of my own this year. I'm 18 y.o., 6'2'' 185 lbs. and ski on an older 69" O'Brien Synchro right now. I have been skiing for probably 5 or 6 years now, but have only started to get serious about it in the last year or so. I ski open water pretty much exclusively, as its hard for me to get access to a course, although I'd love to give it a try. It would probably kick my ass but I've been wanting to give it a try for sometime now. I probably ski at about 30-32 mph (skiing behind a 190 Sea Ray without CC), and ski with a long rope (I've never really tried taking length off). As you can probably tell, I'm just really starting to get into the sport and am no pro, but I'm really looking to improve and improve fast during these next few seasons. I am pretty confident in my wake crossings and am starting to work on one handed turns. So, given this info, what ski do you guys think would suit my current ability level but even more importantly allow me to improve. I've been doing some research and it seems like the Radar Senate and Senate C's might be good options. What are your thoughts?




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Your a big strong kid. Go big right away. Find a used high end ski. Youll grow into it. Dont get anything lower than a Radar vice or senate c otherwise get a flagship ski thats 2-3 years old and hopefully by the time you get access to the good stuff...if you ever do youll be ready for a new ski.


Bump up the speed to 34 anything less is for girls. Do you have gloves? do you ski with one hand releasing? its ok to admit you dont. Two years ago all i wanted to do was rip it up and make a big spray then i decided to get deeper. Got a new ski ran the course and had just as much fun. Unfortunately my salary prevents me from investing anymore than i do.


buy a used highend ski and some gloves. Dont be afraid to shorten to 22off. Its a lot more fun than 15off or more.

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Oh i just read your post more thoroghly. ... Im at work now and shouldnt be doing this.

I started one handed turns last summer too. It wasnt nearly as hard as i thought. The key was a lot of visualisation in the off season and doing it right away in the first ride of the season. It wont take you a couple seasons to get good. You can get good in one year. I went from two hands to 28 off in less than a summer. Had i been behind an inboard the whole time im sure i could have done 32 off.


depending on your tastes youll either get hooked on the course or find it a useful barometer and tool to forcibly correct your skiing. Im more towards the latter.


Check out ski-it-again.com all the good stuff is there. Since youre fresh out of hs you should have some cash laying around. Let me know how it goes. Im personally curious to your situation as i was likely in your shoes last year.

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There you go guy. Judging by the length, detail and confidence of the post its a good deal. You can tell a lot about the real condition of a product just by analyzing the description and seeing what you can learn about the sellers personality.
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aswinter05, I was originally looking at the Triumph, but I'm worried that I won't be able to progress very far on it. From what I've heard, it does not like going over 32 at all and is more for someone who is content where they're at rather than someone who is really eager to improve. What's your take on this?


Marco, what size and do you think that I could handle it or would it be too much ski for me?

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"Bump up the speed to 34 anything less is for girls. " this is perhaps the most ignorant comment that has ever been posted on this web site.

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@JTDixon A Triumph is a good stepping stone. As are the mid range Radars. A Senate will take you a long way.


I you are looking for a used high end ski you might look for a D3 X5 or Radar Strada.


I love my Elite but it is not the ski for a skier at your level.

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  • Baller
@JTDixon -Ditto what Shane said. This ski is not for a beginner. @Horton. The answer is no. I just threw that out there to see if anyone is interested in the Elite. It worked, I did get an inquiry already.
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@backinblack, in the gates thread you stated "I've only been trying to run the course for the summer. In that time I've never made it through the gates." Here you are stating that you "went from two hands to 28 off in less than a summer. Had i been behind an inboard the whole time im sure i could have done 32 off.", and that "anything less [than 34] is for girls".


Can you clarify what is your current level?

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@JTDixon , I've heard several people say you can take the Triumph pretty far as you progress into the course. It is recommended at a max speed of 32 but that doesn't mean you can run shorter lines with it if you are at that point.


It would be better to ask the more experienced skiers on the site if the triumph is a good starter ski for you. I believe it is.

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@ral sure thing ral. My current level is being able run 28off at 34mph without going through the gates. On one hand you could say that if i dont do the gates then i cant run the course. I view it the other way. If i can run the course then surely i can do the gates... I just cant get the timing down and im really inconsistent on my initial pull. As good as my boat driver is at coaching he hasnt told me how to do gates along with a couple mental blocks.
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At first i really was serious about running the course and progressing correctly. Ive tried going down to30 and 32 to practice running the course at 15 off when i free skied at 34 and 22 off. I thought id go slow amd climb my way up but one day after some really good free skiing i said eff it, failure be damned. I told my driver 22 off at 34 on the course. He looked at me funny knowing how much i could barely run the course at 30 mph and horribly at 32mph at 15 off. But he did what i said. Five minutes later im feeling a rush of victory and pure win having ran 22off at 34mph TWICE!


so i just didnt start the course thinking 30-32 was for girls. I was honestly trying to do things as you guys would have told me to do it. At the end of the day your guys advice is advice as is mine. I weighed my options and abilities and went for it and succeeded.


Btw you guys were right about outboard vs inboard.


Also the times ive dropped the boat speed down to run the course has really screwed up my timing at 34mph leading to frustration and lack of fun if i wanted frustration id go play golf.


So yes you say my comments are ignorant. Maybe id be a better amd more consistent skier if i progressed properly. My experience tells me whats possible not the way things should be done.


i hope this explains things well.

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@eddie_roberts_jr what you say is very true but as a skier whose main aspiration is to progress in the course I'm not going to take advice from somebody who claims to run the course at 28 off but doesn't ski the gates. There are many better skiers on this site telling me to do it a different way. I'm certainly not going to let him tell me that 32 mph is for girls- especially since some of the best technique I've seen is in the female skiers so I'd be happy to ski like a girl anyways. @bakinblak you have passion and you keep things interesting and I respect that, and it sounds like you've progressed a ton from the youtube video I see you posted last August so kudos to you. Skiing is really about having fun I just think when you are offering advice it's impolite to claim to be more of an expert than you are. And the truth is I can ski the course at -38 36mph I just skip the gates along with 2 and 4, and 6 ball.
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So I know that the Senate C has been widely recommended, but its quite hard to find one at a good price in a 67 right now. I've been checking SIA but havent had much luck. My question is....how do skis like the Connelly V or the HO Coefficent X/ HO Coefficient X SL compare to the Senate C for a skier like me and would those be good options for me as well?
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The Coefficent X and the Connelly V are about the same level of ski. Both very forgiving and easy to ride. The HO Coefficient X SL is a real high end ski that no one seems to know about.


I would say the Senate C is more advanced than the base model HO and Connelly but a step below the Coefficient X SL


As you get more advanced skis generally become less forgiving and higher preforming. Of the 4 skis you are asking about any would work great for you. You really can not go wrong.

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"Bump up the speed to 34 anything less is for girls. " this is perhaps the most ignorant comment that has ever been posted on this web site.


LMAO - Thanks Horton you truely made my day with that comment! I'm still busting a gut!!!!! :)

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Ok so I found a 2012 Senate C with a small blem on the top sheet for a really good price. I'm pretty set on buying it, but I'm torn between binding options. The place I am buying the ski from will mount a Vector/ RTP combo for $150 extra, but I also found a really good deal on a 2011 Strada boot that I can get for $100. After I buy the RTP to match with the Strada, the price would come to be about the same for both options. I wouldn't mind being able to share the ski with my dad and brother at times (advantage Vector), I always put my ski on in the water (is the Strada easy to get on in the water?), and it would be nice to have the ski mounted when I receive it (advantage Vector). I also don't have access to someone that could properly mold the Strada's Intuitions to my feet properly and I am a little unsure about sizing with the Strada (usually wear an 11 in shoes, particularly Nike. With all of that being said, is the difference in performance and comfort significant enough for someone at my level to go with the Strada? Or is the Strada kind of overkill?


On a separate but related note, the site that has the great deal on the Stradas is called waterskiequipmentstore.com. Does anyone have any experience with this site? I've never heard of it so I'm a little weary of purchasing from there.

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@JTDixon. I am just a beginner. My coach do not recommend any advanced skito start with. Hence I am on Radar Theory. You Will most likely progress faster with a more forgiving ski.

The Vector bindings are very very comfortable.

Best luck


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I wouldn't say the Strada boot is overkill but they are sized like shoes, 8,9,10,11 etc. and they are specific for right or left foot. The Vector is going to be a little easier to put on in the water and will fit a wider range of foot sizes. If you decide on Strada, go with your foot size. Vector - get the "Standard."
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@behindpropellers I'll be living in the Youngstown area (Poland). Skiing mostly on Lake Milton, with a week on Salt Fork Lake, and some random days on Berlin Lake, Lake Tomahawk, Conneaut Lake, and the Allegheny. How about yourself?
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Just wanted to post an update. I purchased the Senate C with Vectors and am loving it. I'm making pretty decent progress as well. I'm skiing 32-34 mph and am skiing at 15 off. I've also learned how to do one-handed turns. Thanks again for the help everyone.



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