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Ski season over :(


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I was all excited to have a great season this year. Was super pumped to try my new setup and now I have a year full of recovery. I tore my meniscus really bad and had to have surgery. I might be able to get in a few runs at the end of the season
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  • Baller
hmm...usually a meniscus tear right now woudn't torch the entire season...tell us more. My bro is having meniscus repair on Tuesday with the idea of being ski ready by the time the weather stabilizes in MN.(insert minnesota weather joke here)
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  • Baller
@crazy180 -- meniscus tear on its own should be 4 weeks from surgery to skiing according to my surgeon. If you have ligament tears to go with it, like an ACL or MCL, that would require a longer rehab. I have surgery on April 23rd, and I plan to be skiing by mid-May at the latest.
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I had a buckle handle meniscus tear. As far as I understand it this kind of tear is a parallel and half the meniscus flips up like a bucket handle. So the surgery was a week ago and he put some screws in to hold it down.

As far as rehab the surgeon said on crutches for 6 weeks. The first 4 weeks no weight and 20% weight for the following 2 weeks. After that I do physio.



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Original injury was 2 years ago playing baseball. At least I did get the stolen base ! I just kind of dealt with it for 2 years and it popped in and out a handful of times. The just last week standing up the meniscus got jammed in my knee joint and prevented any movement (locked knee).


Sooo much pain I was sweating and hyperventilating.


To be honest I am glad it's fixed. It just sucks to be out especially on the start of a season when I got my first semi professional setup !

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  • Baller

Feel your pain dude! Look at it on the bright side.........our lakes are still frozen and if this weather doesn't smarten up we won't be skiing up here anytime soon!

Damn we will be lucky if teh lakes are even open by May Long Weekend at the rate we are going?

Usually have our boat in water and skiing May 1st (yes it's damned cold!!!!). Again it certainly doesn't look like iot's going to happen?

Heal up well and get strong so you can get back out there and rip it up without having to worry about hurting yourself!!!

Wishing you a speedy recovery man!!!!!

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  • Baller
@crazy180 -- so is that one of the rare tear types that gets repaired vs. just getting clipped out? My tears have all been of the clip 'em out style, so you don't wait for any healing. I know that when they can repair the meniscus it requires a longer and more careful rehab/healing period.
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  • Baller
You don't regrow meniscus, so actually be thankful they could repair, even though it takes a lot longer to heal. Don't rush it either. My son had this and came back too hard too fast and ended up going back in.
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  • Baller

If they clip a bucket handle tear you usually loose a large portion of the meniscus. This is the same injury I had initially over 20 years ago and the emergency did more damage making it a remove rather than repair situation.


As I said in the other knee injury thread I would gladly take a year off in trade for being told I need a knee replacement at 37.


Let it heal and come back stronger next year is my advice.

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  • Baller
Bummer. Tough to contemplate season ending vs career ending. The docs that regrew my meniscus (yes, tears are capablehttp://www.regenexx.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/ortho2.jpg of healing) also tightened up the acl and mcl. They were pretty firm with the concept that joint laxity promotes cartridge and meniscus degradation
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I guess it helps that yesterday we had snow. I will follow docs orders to make sure I get a proper recovery. As soon as I can walk I will Go hard on physio and weights. If I'm lucky ill get some nice and easy free skis in at the end of the year. Ill just be the designated driver all summer.
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