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Boots or fin


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  • Baller
@ktm300 If you can elaborate on the exact nature of the turning problem, you'll get better feedback. Is it on-side, off-side, both, pre-turn, at the ball, the finish. Does the ski turn too hard, not turn enough, spin out, get tip-bite, break you in half, or leave you on the tail? Stuff like that.
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  • Baller
Onside, overturns a bit and/or it turns great and I am not in ski shape enough to stay with it yet. Offside, not enough ski in the water from the finish and through the wakes. Obvious fin moves not working ie fin back, more length etc. I can move up on the ski and manage a good turn offside but just can't keep pressing for tip past the finish and through the wakes. Hauls a** out of onside. Slow go out of offside cause I am on the tail too much. Moving the fin back did round out the onside but made the offside worse... ski was out in front of me through the wakes even more (counter intuitive). I'll answer my own question when I ski tomorrow with the front boot forward a bit but, appreciate the input in case that isn't it either. Thanks
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  • Baller
@ktm300 From your description, you are on the right track. You've already tried the two best fin moves to tighten up your off-side turns to no avail (longer and back). Less depth would help but would make the on-side over-turn even more. This leaves binding and wing changes. Moving only the front binding forward will put more ski tip in the water on your off-side without having much affect on your on-side. If you want to calm down the on-side at the same time, move both bindings forward. You can try rotating your front binding too (RFF - clockwise, LFF - counter-clockwise). You can also try more wing angle to tighten up the off-side a little more than the on-side. If none of that works, the fix is most likely a rusty Indian =)
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