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How has your season started? Is the weather an issue?


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  • Baller
I've actually skied more. But with less cohesiveness between sets. We'll have bad weather for a week, then good weather for 3 or 4 days. So we're packing a bunch of sets into 3 or 4 days and then not getting to ski for a week or so. I'd much rather get 1 set a day, 5 out of 7 days then get 5 to 6 sets in 3 days.
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  • Baller_
Last time I skied was January 28 and I had to go to Florida to do it. Planning to ski this Sunday. Many new things to try: Zero Off Revision R, a new-to-me Goode 9500, new fin settings (back to stock), new binding placement (back to stock), coaching tips from @AB last September. I've even changed my gloves. The only thing that is the same is my boat, handle and drysuit. Should be interesting.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

Its been really cold and snowy here in western Co, but that is not the only reason we haven't skied yet. The irrigation Co Op that feeds our lake was 2 weeks late turning on the water, partly due to the drought, and partly due to some system malfunctions, so our water level is still too low. Bottom line is we wont be skiing until early May. Usually we start the last weekend in April.


Its been painful looking at my brand new M6 just leaning up against the wall...

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I was sore Monday from too many 35s Sunday. Almost time to start chipping away at 38. You should go ahead and start skiing.



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  • Baller
Weather is definitely an issue and no, we haven't started here yet. Usual crap supposed-to-be-spring here in the Great Plains. Seems we never get started until mid-May anymore, used to start early April. If it's warm enough the wind is howling. Hasn't been warm enough more than a day here and there. Supposed to be 70's and 80's next week, if the wind isn't too bad may bring the boat home next weekend.
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  • Baller
We have skied half as many sets this year compared to last year. Water was 54 degrees tonight which is cold for us this time of year. Last year at this same time our water was in the mid 60's. The water and air was warmer when we put the course in six weeks ago. Hopefully the worst is over.
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  • Supporting Member

At the risk of thoroughly jinxing myself: Despite the slightly-worse-than-usual weather here, I actually feel really good about where I am for very-early-season no-course-yet. The Nano One feels like an advantage even on open water. Last night I actually did something I'm not sure I've ever done before: open water @ -35. I was amazed that I felt "ready" to try that, and was even more amazed when (after one quick whipeout) I actually established a pretty decent rhythm. Here's hoping my mental calibration of how wide I should be is about right!!


Hopefully the course goes in May 4 or 5.


Hope everyone's weather gets better and stays that way!

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  • Baller
Normally we start the beginning of March. Lake was about 1/3 open Easter. 3 days later the lake opens and my neighbor puts in and takes a quick run. He was so jealous that I was skiing down in warm Texas, (thanks again @Moskier3ev), that he just had to and it was brutal. Weather still hasn't been good, but we've been out 5 times in the past weeks. Water isn't getting warmer with all the rain, but where higher then normal for time of the year

Larry -----<|

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  • Baller

I find it really funny that everyone in south, including myself, is complaining about how cold it is and that we haven't really skied much this year. Then people up north are complaining about how their lakes are still solid instead of liquid. My opinion on that is......better you than me! haha


It does seem that no matter where you are in the country, the season starts about the same time of year. It's just whether you jump in the water a little chilly with trunks on or a little chilly with a drysuit.

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  • Baller_

@Waternut, the cold has been only part of the delay. We have had a ton of heavy rain and wind as well. Conditions probably affect me more than most. I have to drive 100 miles one way to ski, when others just walk out their back door or drive 10-15 minutes. They can squeeze in a quick set, whereas my time on the water has to be planned around a larger window of cooperative weather - which we have not had. Many weeknights are out until the sun sets late and work commitments allow.


But, when all is said and done, I am starting slightly later than normal. I guess some of us are comparing it to last year when we started in mid-March. In most other years, I would have already completed the soreness and conditioning part. If all goes well, I will start that 2-week endeavor this Sunday.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
I got my first sets down in Florida over spring break which was around March 17th and the next set I got was April 27 due to the weather staying to cold to de-winterize the boat. Usually I've been using the home site for 2 or 3 weeks by this time. It's been a much colder winter than last year.
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@MS have I told you that I have already run 38 this year? It was like 90 here yesterday. Generally I use Jedi mind tricks to make you fall early but I will also take the extra skiing as advantage.
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