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What if Nate breaks record behind Malibu


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  • Baller
With all the help from Correct Craft that Nate gets, it makes you wonder if he thinks twice about setting a world record behind another boat. You always hear that the contracts have language in them that "discourage" that. Is the 10,000 bonus that was up for grabs yesterday enough for Nate to risk getting a call from The President of Correct Craft today? Thats what I was thinking when he did not attempt 43 in the first H2H. As easy as it looks like he is running 41, I am sure he will get many chances behind the "correct " boat.
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  • Baller

Don t know many athletes that will pass on a chance to break a world record.

Even less for a 10k bonus.

I highly doubt that the CC president would call for anything else then to congrats him.

Nate would sign a contract with MC or Malibu in the next minute...

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

If I was Nate, and I DID get the phone call, I would say something like, "ok, if I get to 2@43, you are paying me $10K to stand up"........ instead of taking the proverbial "dive".


Andy won a lot of Pro Tour events after standing up rounding a buoy.... I always felt disappointed when he didn't go for it, but back then, it was just "professional skiing".

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  • Baller
Nate is in the zone right now -- hope he nails it. I thought the caliber of skiing at the Malibu Open overall was amazing on both the men's and the women's side. There are a lot of very good veteran and younger skiers out there gunning to run 41's. I am as excited about pro skiing as I have been in a long time.
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@AB I agree,


Hopefully it isn't the case but, assuming that Horton is correct. Then the fix was in.


Thinking or knowing as a fan that any skier would not attempt a world record at the Malibu Open or any other big event, because it wasn't his/her sponsored boat is sad at best.



Reno has a great place to hold a ski tournament Helms pit/Sparks Marina. And the Casinos like to offer odds on events like this. They used to do it all the time with the big indoor track meet.

And it would probably add to the attraction of the event.


But, It would become pretty scandalous if people are betting on something like this without knowing they had Zero chance of winning.


I am giving Nate full credit for trying his hardest, because that was amazing skiing by him.

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  • Baller
I am with @AB on this one. If you have a chance to break the world record, a chance to go down as one of the greatest, a chance to do what no one has ever done, then I can't believe Nate wouldn't have nailed it. There is far too much integrity in this sport for anything else to happen. AND, if MC really tried to implement or enforce this kind of crap, then that would be the day I sold my PS and joined the Malibu family of boats.
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  • Baller
If you saw Nate slide 50 feet on his back trying to get to 2 ball at 43 in the prelims on Friday At the MO you would not question if he would try to break the record at any opportunity behind any boat. The kid goes for it no matter what!! Great skiing Nate
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  • Baller_
So what happens (and it could have) if the Nate was pushed by another skier to actually run better then 2@43? So you bail on the win AND the world record cause it's not your boat. Hmmm?
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  • Baller
If a boat manufacturer still says in a professional skiers contract that you can't break a record on any other boat, then a little piece of me will die. This sport is too small for political crap like that. You don't watch the pro's to see them "lay up" for political reasons, you watch because you want to see what the best athletes in our sport can do when given the opportunity to succeed. I understand standing up to prevent injury if you know you've made the finals but that's different.
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  • Baller

I've never had one of those contract nor have I even discussed it with someone that has so this is obviously speculation but I would think a skier would forgo any bonus money if the record was set behind a competitors brand. Sorry but it simply makes sense to find a way to discourage it. Imagine the Facebook posts, tweets and even ads if a record was set by a skier under contract with a different brand.



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  • Baller

Well,I wrote to Nate and asked.


Congrats for your amazing season.Just watched the Malibu open,quite a show!!!

Over on Ball of spray,someone mentionned that maybe you wouldn t want to break the record behind another brand then CC even for the 10k bonus.

We,Wallies,are sure that it is only a matter of time before you run that 3 bouys.If the turn at 2 is good,would you be going for it if behind another brand boat ...


Congrats again!Can t wait to see you skiing and breaking the record!!!








Thank you! Glad you got to see the tournament and follow me. I didn't really give up at 43 but I had my mind set on just getting two. I was pretty much stretched all the way out at two ball so pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to get to three ball. Hopefully that will come sometime soon though!!


Thanks for being a fan!


Nate Smith

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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