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Oldest Skier Shortest Line


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  • Baller

I would love to hear some examples of older guys running shortline - I used to tow a guy in 50's into -38 week in week out, he often started at -22 36 MPH and would drop the speed at -32 (this was back in the day with old ski's etc)


How old and what line length?



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  • Baller
I do Bikram Yoga 5-6 days a week. Ski 4-5 times per week. some days are just single sets passes. If I feel strong I will run 28 32 35 37 38 38. If Im tired or 2nd set I run 28 32 35 35 35 35 35 35 I have a clean diet, lots of chicken, cold water fish, veggies, not much carbs meat once a week. I'm in better condition than most of my peers. I plan on getting better. I'm ahead of where I was last season at this time. I have no serious injuries. I did tear my rotater cuff 5 years ago, A strong rehab program fixed it plus the Yoga. I do get a massage once a week. There you go, a prescription for over 55 year olds to keep getting better!
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  • Baller
I also ski complete passes, If I miss I will go back. I will wait untill late June to make a serious attack on 39 in practice. I believe in periodization in my training and try to peak for regionals & Nationals.
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  • Baller

@Rich that is awesome. I've incorporated a lot of that into my lifestyle recently, but a broken ankle put a wrinkle in much of it. I'm back on the water as of today, so hopefully I'll be getting back into yoga too. But that stuff is HARD!


@Horton but you don't look a day over 60.

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  • Baller
I ski with a guy who is 61 and runs into 38 all the time. The other guy is 57 an runs into 39 and rarely misses 38, pulled him into 41 a few times. He stays very lean and hits the gym hard in winters.
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  • Baller

I skied poorly last nite and my body is hurting from 14 sets in 8 days.

Not sure if that thread is cheering me because there s a chance i could ski for many years or depressing because all of those older guys skiing way better then me.

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller
Part of the deal with skiing, at any age, is to let your body recuperate. If you were weight lifting, there is no program in the world that would recommend that you max out your same body part 7 days a week. You need 2 days of rest for muscles to fully reap the benefits of hard exercise. If you want to ski everyday, great, but don't run multiple sets and ski your hardest passes. Ski longer lines for a day and work on form, then go up the rope the next day. One easy set a day when tired won't hurt you, it will help!
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  • Baller
@Rich Bikram yoga, interesting! I tried it and failed miserably, and I'm 33 lol, although I enjoy and see benefits from yoga, the heat and muscle dehydration from bikram was something my body didn't like too much. you must drink a lake full of water every week! I've also had some rotator cuff injuries (no full tears or surgeries) so I'd love to hear more about your rehab program.
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  • Baller_
Their are a number of Geezer Slalom skiers out their. one in particular is KLP, still steps up from time to time and ski's short line at 36mph. Just peruse the national rankings list it is fun to see who is skiing what! Men 7 is a 32 MPH class and some of our truly better slalom skiers are starting to move into that class, Rich lambert's rankings score is 3@39!
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  • Baller
@killer keep doing Bikram, stay hydarated and you will reap huge benefits. The more you dislike it at 1st the more you need it. I have a PT in Pleasanton Ca named Tobe Hansen. He practices his own brand of PT. I have referred many people to him in fact 100 plus. Greg Badal goes 2-3 times a month to him. Tobe did the rehad, with lots lots of muscle balancing, deep tissue massage (that is very painful), combined with Bikram Yoga, and I used a pulley where I could raise and lower my arm upward with out using the muscle to keep from getting a frozen shoulder. It was a painful process, but I avoided surgury. I feel about 95-97percent of my strength is back, and because of the Bikram I believe that I have continued to strengthen the weakest muscles. You are as strong as your weakest link. Good Luck!
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  • Baller
My favorite quote from Elgin on the trick dock is. "I don't worry about if I can do a trick, I worry about if I can remember my trick" He is a true inspiration in the sport. Where else can a young B1/G1 skier sit on the dock and carry on a conversation with a man that has been in the sport for as many years as him and have something in common. He is a great ambassador
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  • Baller
@AB I can totally see how there are guys in northwest Ohio skiing into their 60's. your season is only 3 weeks!!! Not too much wear and tear on your body....that also explains why your minds are so messed up though....sitting around all day watching the rain and the browns would drive most people insane!!! :)
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