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Mapple Skis, Orlando trip, and my mojo...


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  • Baller

I'm going to keep this brief...if I can...but have to share just a little.


As a skier, of course I have known who Andy Mapple is for as long as I can remember. Almost a year ago, I had the chance to meet Andy, ski with him, and ride one of his skis. There is an entire other story around that, but it was a great introduction to an honorable man for me.


Flash forward to February of this year. I was skiing ok, but floundering. I was going to Orlando, and got the chance to go ski with Andy again, and try the Mapple 6.0. One set on the ski, with Andy in the boat, and i was in. Skied great for a good while, and had the chance to do the Mapple weekend (the coolest ski weekend I had ever had). I started slumping several weeks ago, and sent Andy and Chris some video. Both jumped in and were very helpful. Things got better, but I then managed to slump again. Talked with Andy and Chris more, but asked if I could just come down and ski with them. In spite of their extremely busy schedules, Andy told me to come on down. I worked things out to actually get down to Orlando the afternoon before we had discussed, and Andy had prior commitments. Rather than just waiting until Friday, arrangements were made for me to go get a set in Thursday to feel the warm Florida water. So I skied....with Aidan Willers, Nicole Arthur, and Chris Parrish. I skied...horribly. But it did exactly what it was supposed to do, i guess.


So, I showed up this morning to ski with Andy, Chris, and Aidan. Obviously, Andy had talked to Chris...and he asked if I was open to letting him change some stuff. I handed him my ski, and told him to have at it. 1st set, I felt better than I had in weeks. I skied. And it was fun. A few other guys skied, and I came up for another set....didn't change the ski this time(i think), but he changed the boat setting. I never thought about trying that setting....I realize more every time I come here that Andy really knows what the heck he's doing. I'm heading back over in the morning to ski again.....just to continue to get my confidence back.


Guys, I'm not an open rated skier. I'm not a masters men skier. I'm just a regular guy with the dream of running 38. And this is just a glimpse of what Andy (@mapple), Chris Parrish, and the entire Mapple team have done for me. That, my fellow ballers, is incredible.


Oh, I think I see my mojo, too....


Ok, not so brief.





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  • Baller

I think it is really great that Andy gives his customers such great access to himself and his professional staff. I think his focus is in the right place and his aim to provide such great customer service is what this sport needs. And here it comes.....BUT....I have a few questions about the skis that may draw heavy scrutiny; that won't stop me from asking away.


When you say not skiing well; what is your definition of not skiing well? 3 balls off average, 6 balls off average, etc.?


Are the skis that sensitive to set up based on water temp, etc.? So sensitive that only Andy and his staff can adjust them correctly? I have heard that Andy believes that C2 is the optimum ZO setting; so is that a design consideration of the ski as well?


Just looking for some insight.

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  • Baller

Good questions @skibug.


For the most part, I was 2-3 buoys off, but I was mainly just skiing inconsistently. As I struggled some, my confidence went away, and I struggled more. What the last few days has done as much as anything was remind me that I can ski, if I just ski. Sometimes we focus on making sure we are "doing" all the stuff exactly right and forget to just ski.


As far as the ski being so sensitive, I don't think so. I would ski pretty good one day, and not so good the next at the same site. The stuff between my ears was the biggest issue there I think. I doesn't help that our lake is up so high that it's like a giant bathtub with backwash. At the moment, it is as bad as I have ever seen it.


In any case, I've never been much of a tweaker. And don't plan to do much of that ever, if I can help it. Heck, if I need something, I just send some video to Andy, and he can tell me what direction to go from that.


I haven't heard that about Andy' thinking the optimum is C2. I showed up running at C2. I think they actually changed me up some based on what they saw, but I'm not at that now.


Skiing again later this morning. Should be fun.

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  • Baller
@Than_Bogan - there was a short stint at A3, but moved quickly to C1. Andy explained it, but to be honest, I was so jacked up with how good I was feeling, I don't remember exactly what he said...I definitely had more line control. I will ask again this morning..
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  • Baller

@JohnCox -- what you describe is familiar to me. Sometimes I'm working on something and then I start thinking about that one thing so much that I forget to "just ski". Then I struggle to run my scores and get frustrated. What I need is for someone to hit the RESET button. Usually my son, brother or wife hits that for me and then I'm rolling again. Sounds like Andy and crew got your RESET button! Great news!


As for sensitivity, I think the M6 will let you get away with anything. Now, for my best scores it works best when I actually stay on top of my bindings and ski right, but it is very forgiving of my mistakes and, when I need to just let it fly and turn, it works.

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  • Baller

I can't even describe my day adequately. There were options.....ski in a local tourney, or go ski at Mapple. Andy said yesterday - "just come ski here." So I did. Probably my best feeling set of the year (over 110 sets in the bag). That was enough. But then, I got to drive the boat. For Andy. Talk about pressure....but, I got in my first club for my driving- not my skiing - before speed control. That was so much fun. Skiing, and hanging out with the best in the world was cool, but I got to drive.... The wind started howling. I might have just bagged it, but Andy was not phased. It was a short set, but deeper than I had ever driven. And it was really an easy pull. Dang he is smooth.


From a water skiing perspective, this might have been the best day. Ever.


I'm a Mapple skier. Period.

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  • Baller
Well, back home on our bumpy, fast water.....and I still feel it! I have run a bunch of 35s this year, but none at home. Tonight, in my new camo eagle vest, back to back 35s, just to make sure the first wasn't a fluke. Really looking forward to the sweet water at Trophy Lakes this weekend....
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