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Nationals qualification question


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  • Baller

1st-5th in any event or overall (meaning all three events) will get you a ticket to Nationals. Of course his level 8 ranking in tricks will already have him qualified.


Go to this page - http://www.usawaterski.org/rankings/View-StandingsHQ.asp?pvar=National - and set the "set event qualifying filter" to "Goode National Champs". Also set the division to B2. On the far right you see a "NCQ" or "Qualified" next to his name. Click on that link and you'll get specific information on your sons status. This also includes the cut-off scores and, ultimately after the database updates, you'll see placement information as well.


The SCR scores were posted early yesterday morning but when the database refreshed early THIS morning (about 4am) the overall scores were calculated. However the regional tournament placement information wasn't updated yet. I suspect that will happen early tomorrow morning but I'm unsure. Point is, after your regionals, it will take a few days for the database for flush itself out.

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  • Baller
With a level 8 in trick, a level 7 in slalom and a beginning jumper, it he has skied all events and has an overall score in the books he already be level 8 in overall. Follow @klindy's instructions to see for yourself on the system. Good luck.
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  • Baller
Keep in mind that a score above zero is also required if qualifiying thru regionals. The rule changed of a few years ago to address the problem of divsions at regionals with small number of skiers. For example, M6 jump may have only 4 skiers but forth place has to land a jump to ski at nationals. This happened at Chicago nationals with a G1 tricker that had a score of zero at regionals but placed in the top five. Lots of headaches over that one.
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