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Epic Crash Photo


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I felt this photo should be shared on BOS. My Dad took this photo at the Eastern Regionals this past week and i feel it is one awesome photo. The kids at the slower speeds take some of the most intense falls and this captures the moment before! Thankfully he was ok!


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  • Baller_
I also did it this year behind the same model at 22 off. Look at picture 150 also. It is posted out of sequence and is actually occurring before the epic photo, but it shows the skier compressing/bending forward after he has hit the wake and is preparing for impending launch.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_

It seems to be tough for those skiing slalom at 22 off and longer and 34 mph and slower. I hear many kids and women reacting to that boat when selected for a particular slalom round at tournaments. It is problematic for me at 22 off/34 mph when I am at out of good skiing position. It won't let me get away with things I can behind other boats. I think weight has something to do with it also. I am light (about 140-145) and don't really slice through the wake as much as the bigger skiers might. It bounces me if I am not ready for it properly. I have skied behind some that were weighted very well in the bow and were not too vicious at 22/34. But, it requires someone to tune the boat and spend a little time with it.


That said, I don't usually have an issue with it at 28 off and shorter. I suspect 22 off/36 mph might be a bit easier for me behind the MC, but I haven't tried it.


Picture 148 also shows the size of wake that youngster was dealing with. Not sure of his speed, but I am guessing it was not 34 (or 32).


Picture 149 is a great shot and a perfect memorable moment in time, especially with no injuries. If that were a shot of me, I'd frame it and hang it on the wall.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_

The pictures are renumbering. Here is what I referred to as picture 148:




This is what I referred to as picture 150:




The original picture in the first post is what I referred to as picture 149. So, navigating backward one photo and forward one photo would give you the other two.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
Well, I know this: other people (bigger/smaller/older/younger/male/female) can ski the exact same boat, same pass length, same conditions and same speed where I have had trouble and they have no issue. So, it must have been me.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@MISkier When I had my young daughter up in Idaho with the clinic with Terry Winter, he had the boat at 19mph. My daughter commented that the wake was "ginourmous" and his comment was this..."Great!! I want the wake to be big, because if you are in proper position going into the wake, it won't matter at all!" And btw, we were skiing behind a Nautique. What I have learned is this...boat wake doesn't matter nearly as much as proper position! If you are stacked, you will slice through the wake at slow or at fast speeds....whatever you are skiing behind.
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  • Baller

I literally said out loud, but in hushed tones to my computer - "oh, sh_t", when I saw that. If anyone here knows that kid, tell him that he's a bad__s. One, for getting back on the horse, which I assume he has, and two, for old-schooling it without gloves.


My two sons had to fight their way through the years of MC wakes at slow speeds and long lines, but earned their way to the decent MC wakes of higher speeds and shorter lines. Tell that kid to hang in there and apparently there is help on the way in the form of the '14 MC.

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@Brady That is true, but it is very hard to teach a kid to cut through the wake (in a stacked position) when they are terrified, and don't want to generate any speed for fear of the consequences. It's a hard balance.

I personally think it is easier to teach a young kid to get stacked behind a boat with a small wake and then when the technique is correct, move to a different boat.

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  • Baller_

Hopefully the young man did not get hurt!


when my son went from 34 mph to 36 mph he took a nasty fall like that at 22 off. His problem was he pulled in with his arms right in front of the rooster and dug the tip in off the other side of the wake. knocked him out cold! concussion and all that not so fun consequence!

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