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What do you see in these images of Matt Brown?


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  • Baller
He keeps the ski in the water and has very little tip rise. He also has very good handle control and does not start his reach until he has switched edges and is well into the turn. In other words, it looks like he holds on with both hands as long as he possibly can.
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  • Baller
I've been told that the A3 works best when the skier: maintains stacked connection through the edge change, takes the handle out to the buoy, releases the outside hand later, smooth out and smooth back in on the handle at the buoy apex.
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@rawly wins the prize. What got me thinking is that his head never moves.


Sort of funny his eyes are not still at all but his head is. Matt totally looks down at the ball as he gets to it.

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  • Baller
Another thing that goes along with level head and shoulders is that he is advancing his new lead shoulder during the release of the handle (lead shoulder was his right shoulder going right, but as he releases the handle, his left shoulder becomes the new lead shoulder and begins to advance into the turn). An example of "early counter" if you will. Helps you stay level and keep a tight line out to the apex. I do it all the time. In my mind.
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  • Baller
Agree with rawly -- first thing I noticed was how level he keeps his head and shoulders -- something I've tried to almost over-correct in my skiing this fall (with great results when I do it!). Second thing -- great handle control -- keeps riding the line all the way out. Third thing -- nice and tall and on top of the ski. Chet told my son once to just "stay on top of your ski". I didn't translate that immediately. This is exactly what he means.
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  • Baller

Something occured to me regarding his handle control. This is more of a question, so any of you more accomplished ballers please confirm, or tell me I'm off my rocker here.


It appears as though Matt begins the reach with a low handle and then raises it as he reaches the buoy. But I don't think that's the case. If you look at the handle's height relative to the water, it doesn't change. As Matt is lowering his body, he's keeping the handle at the same height all the way through the turn (making it look like he's raising the handle). And if we had another 1 or 2 shots in the sequence, I'm guessing that handle height is pretty darn close to where his hips end up after the turn.


I think it's another testiment to a very quiet handle.

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  • Baller
Handle control jumps out at me, as well as how level his head is. He appears to be super well balanced on that ski. With handle control he doesn't let that handle just go back to the boat, he maintains connection with it as indicated by his bent elbow. He does this well on both sides.
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  • Baller
@Texas6 Yes, I feel it does represent what Horton taught me. If you pay attention to the Diablo log on Matt's vest, it never really changes location on either side. It's coming straight at the picture all the time. Which means Matt is continuing to point his sternum at the same spot from the time he comes off the 2nd wake until he drops in after the apex. He never adds to the countered shoulders that he's already created by driving that sternum in a static direction. What it really means is that Matt doesn't have to counter at the apex because he's created the counter all the way outbound.
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  • Baller
uhm...hello? Did anyone read what I wrote? I guess I didn't convey my point very well. What Shane is saying is exactly what I was saying. The "early counter" that I referenced is really keeping your sternum and hips pointed downcourse all the time. To do that through the edge change is the trick and that is what Matt does so well.
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  • Baller

Matt's skiing is awesome in so many ways. Lately I have been focused on how the best skiers move out from the centerline. Matt has this going on for sure and that's my favorite observation based on the sequences above.


There is a reasonable chance I will get up to ski with him at the Ridge this weekend for the first time. I will let you know if there is a Dancing Chicken coaching from the boat. That video is hilarious, especially in context!

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