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Marcus Brown - Shop Talk: Episode 2 - So you think you can Stack?


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  • Baller
Another great video @MarcusBrown. I'd just like to suggest that saying "not stacked" means two TOTALLY different things to advanced skiers with "stripper butt" and the legions of 15 off skiers watching your videos who have two feet of separation between their hips and handle. Maybe intermediate skier lack-of-stack would be another helpful topic to shed some light on in future videos.
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@skijay agree with you to a degree but even as a -15er I found the discussion about "openness to the boat" to be relevant- as a guy who's early into this sport I especially appreciate hearing how to develop a style that hopefully will help me ski for many years to come! That's a question that I've often had is "how open should I try to be" so thanks Mr. Brown for your thoughts about it.
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  • Baller
Great stuff Marcus, thank you! I'm glad you took it a step further and addressed the "open to the boat" concept in addition to the stacked position. Conceptually, I've always agreed with it but in execution I've always struggled. You keyed in on something for me that I've been struggling with when trying to open up more and that's hip flexibility in the offside pull. Super easy to do on my good side but I struggle with opening up on the offside without negatively affecting the outbound direction of the ski. Flexibility is the answer and I now have something to work on - great video
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  • Baller
Thanks Marcus, as an older skier I am always looking for ways to help reduce the pain, wear and tear and general soreness that comes with midlife skiing. I'm a big fan of staying open to the boat, it makes a lot of sense.
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  • Baller

Another good video. I have told people to pull their butt up and get their shoulder back when they have their butt dragging. I have talked about trying to arch the back but usually that exaggeration just gets people to have their butt drag less rather than a real arch in the back.


I really liked Marcus' discussion of the offside pull position. Most people don't have the flexibility to be open to the boat in their offside pull and this is one of the first discussions I have seen that acknowledges that and talks about working with what you have.

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Great video Marcus! I've been trying to focus more on what my hips are doing vs what my shoulders are doing. For example, I'll video a pass and think I was really counter rotating only to see my upper body counter a little and my core and hips still be closed. Once I cross the back of the boat, where should my hips be? Is it a gradual transition from having them face downcourse to a countered position? I think I focus much more on the ball to the back of the boat vs the back of the boat to the ball.
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I've read that with the development of the ProStar that @marcusbrown has a private lake somewhere. Does he do lessons or video coaching? Very impressed with the knowledge that he's displayed in any of the videos he's been involved with over the last few months.
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  • Baller
Great section that starts round 7.30+ - he talks about offside lean and being open. THANK YOU. People love the simplicity of 'universal truths', but the reality of the kinesiology of our sport is that offside is very different than onside. Nice to hear someone address it intelligently.
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@marcusbrown, very well said. Thank you so much for doing these videos. I believe I am learning more in the 2 videos you have made then I have in 4 years. Also, hope you can make it to the Extreme Watersports Fest in Orlando coming up. Hope you meet you in person!
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  • Baller

This makes a lot of sense. The offside hip rotation he refers to is Internal rotation. Stretching the hip flexors is good but to be more specific to prevent spinal rotation it is Internal rotation mobility in the rear hip that is needed.

So how do we get more IR of the rear hip as well as strength the hip rotators? I will do a video on my favorite PT clinic exercises for this soon. I will also cover the difference between hip rotation= good and rotating your femur on to your tibia= bad and would result as a compensation from having poor hip IR/ER rotation.

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  • Baller

Awesome video! So many times I've seen and told people to push hips forward and chest out. Yikes! Your description of proper position is critical for slalom success and longevity.


@marcusbrown your offside description and explanation of "ski with what you've got" as far as hip rotation goes will change my skiing (and my coaching!)


Thanks so much.

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