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I am having skiing withdrawals


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  • Baller

Anybody else have a limited ski season and having a hard time adjusting to not being able to hit the water? I skied the most I have in the past 15 years this season and can not wait for next year. I put together a video, because I can't ski, with Go Pro software of me and my ski buddies. Let me know who else needs a trip south for a few sets.



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  • Baller

After reading these posts, I am almost feeling guilty for whining that I can't ski tomorrow because of rain. So glad I live in Arizona and will be skiing again on Wednesday after the rain is gone. Actually, a good chance I will find a chance to get in a set or 2 between rain drops this weekend.


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  • Baller

I'm missing all my skiing and boating friends more than I'm missing skiing itself. Not that I'm not missing skiing because I am but my priorities have shifted slightly.


I will say that me missing skiing is a bit wussy compared to the northern guys considering I quit skiing when the water and air were around 65 degrees. I'm willing to ski in a shorty but anything past that and my hands and feet freeze before I get out of the water on the first pass.

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