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Place to ski in August


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Good morning,

A french family, parents are skiers and 2 kids (19 and 21) is looking for a place to ski next August, anywhere in the world.

Some good ski for us and a place where my kids will be sure to meet some friends.

Something like Club Med maybe ?

We did Club Med Cancun and Cancun waterski outside Club Med, it was great.

We did Saint Martin in the French Indies.

Do you have any idea where is this place ?

Thank you for your help.



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Pas évident de trouver aussi bien que Cancun ou st Martin.

Mais Scott Smith est de moins en moins fiable et un peu au bout du rouleau.

St Martin plus une destination d hiver surtout si comme cette année Laurent est seul a faire tourner le club

Je suis dans la même recherche que toi. J ai quelques pistes:

Milano maritima. En Italie belle station balnéaire beaux hôtels belle plage vie nocturne 2 clubs de ski sympa 1 tenu par Thomas gustafson très bon coach l autre par davide

Camargue paradise avec Guillaume Pomes bien mais moins dépaysant pour nous français

Plus loin Miami chez Aaron larkin et anais amade

Il y a aussi la Malaisie a putrajaya en allant faire un tour sur les iles

Espérant t avoir été utile dans ta recherche

Sportivement Perico

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Sorry for the first answer posted in french here is the translation

Not so easy to find summer Water ski spots Like Cancun or st Martin

The problem of cancun is that Scott Smith is not reliable any more with a lot of days where he did not even show up while you have travelled with all your gear and booked sessions with him

St martin is great but in my opinion it is more a winter destination (in summer only one boat and one driverwhich is actually not enough)

Water ski paradise is the one of the top destinations but not open in summer (works from november to may) as well as Sri lanka hold by very nice german guy (holer brummer)

in Europe there is 2 nice spots in italy in Milano maritima near Bologna one is hold by the famous water ski photograph swedden thomas gustafson the other by a good italian coach

In south of france there is camargue paradise near beatiful beach

Of course a lot of nice spots in florida (miami water ski club run now by Aaron larkin)

For exotic vacations Malaysiain putrajaya can be an alternative


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