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  • Baller

I have never met you personally yet Horton but you impress the hell out of me with the fact you've installed an operating and fully functional beer and ice fridge prior to the work being finished! GOOD ON YA!!

Like me - my house is being built currently but now that there is power in the boat house - I too have a frige filled with beer! :)

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I'm asking myself the same question. I started to tear down my kitchen. The refrigerator is resting in the dining room. The cabinets are next. I know less than nothing but will hopefully learn along the way.


I also have yet to meet Mr. Horton but, just like skiing, perhaps his remodeling experience will prove helpful as well.


Good luck with your project! If you get frustrated or stuck - go get behind a boat!


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  • Baller

Drove by Horton's lake yesterday. Still empty. Still not graded. Still has a really stupid island. I peed in the dried up hole but Horton wasn't there to offer me a beer so I couldn't fill it.

The battery was dead on the UCLA team boat. I hear Horton is going to sponsor UCLA by buying them a new battery and become the coach. Dry lakes make people do strange things.


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