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This photo of Ambre Franc and her Vapor is....

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None of the choices really fit.


Personally, I do not think this is offensive in any way, and I'd be comfortable to show it to my young-ish (and female) children.


Since it's an actual skier, it also seems at least slightly relevant to this site.


However, I very often (e.g. right now) am reading BoS at work, and for that the bar is set very differently. I think a random person walking by wouldn't see the ski, wouldn't know it was a skier, and would in general be a bit distracted by it.


So in the end I'd give it a mild thumbs down. My life is made a little easier without pictures like this on BoS.

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  • Baller

Didn't know who she was so a quick Google, she can ski better than most of us, has run 38 quite a few times in international tournaments and was on the French U-21 team. Great vid here, looks like at Chet's, only through 35 but sooo easy for her

Now just get that ski out of there...

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She took this picture to support A Lebanese Olympic skier whose topless calendar prompted calls for a ministerial inquiry has unwittingly sparked a social media campaign backing her, with supporters stripping off in solidarity.


Three years ago, Jackie Chamoun posed for a calendar photo shoot. Behind-the-scenes footage recently was posted online, and Lebanon's sports and youth minister reportedly ordered an investigation.


So this pucure is complety acceptable.

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@MattP Well that changes everything. Thanks for the info. Now I can pick a selection in the poll!


But if @Horton's point was to get a general temp gauge, then perhaps my previous comments are still useful.

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  • Baller
I cant understand why it's OK to show bullets tearing through brains on many TV shows (along with all other manner of copycat-able violence) and yet the slightest sexual innuendo is tabo. More sex and less violence and we might all be better off.
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  • Baller

I am good with the picture. It might not be appropriate if someone were to look over my shoulder in an office although technically you probably shouldn't be reading BoS at work.


I wouldn't have a problem with my family seeing the picture particularly given that it is an actual high level skier in the picture not just a model.

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  • Baller
I see nothing wrong with this photo. It IS okay to have a bare ski without the cover on it. Especially since you are only showing the top part of the ski. Now if you were taking pictures of the bindings and boots, that would probably be more innapropriate!
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  • Baller_
There is always gonna be an edge. One example of "this is also wrong but they show that.." does not make something else right. Nor does the argument that "If it was this, well then it's bad but it's not so it's ok". Adults take care of themselves and censor the content they want to see. Children should actually be parented and monitored for the content they are looking at according to their parents judgement of what is and what is not appropriate. Really, it's that simple. If @Horton is hesitant it's because he does not want to lose readership or sponsorship. Also simple. Poll is a good idea. This is a site I do show my daughter from time to time but not one I would let her freely explore...I'm parenting!!! To me, my age, my daughters age, and my nieces age, this particular photo is past that edge for me. I do not find it attractive or sexy. Simply put.. It's a little creepy for a middle aged guy IMHO to think that is hot.. Beautiful girl maybe but that is not defined by a hand over a boob. Now, I've seen some of the W3 and W4 skiers out there and well....That IS just hot. Considering the age level of the readership and the age level of the CEOs of the sponsors, it may cross that edge as well. A bunch most likely have daughters and nieces in that age bracket or damn close. Only time, maybe "letters to the editor", and posts here will tell. Doesn't matter to me either way. But my daughter wont see this thread. Parenting judgment for me says I do not want her to think it is "ok" to pose like this.
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Just want to clarify something : I didn't do this picture because I thought it was "hot" or "sexy". I'm not trying to make a sexy pose or anything. The purpose of this photoshoot was to support a great snow skier from libanese called Jacky Chamoun who used to be a waterskier and still skis sometimes. Couple years ago, she posed for a calendar, topless, but you could barely see her body as she was using her skis to cover her breasts. The libanese government didn't want her to compete at Olympics this winter because of these pictures. Many athletes or people decided to support her by taking picture of themselves topless using the hashtags #stripforjacky. I don't think this is a shocking picture, you can't see anything except me using my hand to hide my breast. Your kids would probably be more shocked watching commercials, TV shows or video clip than seing me this way. I'm not Miley Cyrus :)
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  • Baller

I agree with the comments here. I also knew (at least part) of the backstory. So I voted the way I did. It is kind of ironic to actually have to post a picture in a thread asking if it's appropriate.


All that aside @AB comment was funny.

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  • Baller
Only in America are people so hung up about a little flesh. IF there are any parents out there that think that they can control what their kids can see on the internet, or cell phone for that matter, you are mistaken. Any kid would have a hard time containing their laughter at the thought.
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  • Baller

Nothing wrong with it. If I remember girls that fly or another group of female skiers stood next to each other with skis held horizontally to block the private areas to protest the same issue. No biggie.


Agree on the parenting thing. I could show that to my kids no problem as they are both old enough to understand the rationale for why it was done ie) protest of an issue that was really in need of protest.

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@amberski‌ The poll is not whether or not you did this to be "sexy" or whatever. The poll is to determine if this is appropriate for this site.


Just about anything someone does, short of breaking the law, for a good cause is admirable and noble. Unfortunatly in this day and age of instant media world wide, your photo most likelaly will be placed where it was never intended along with scrutany such as this thread be it positive or negative. This is why I do not want my daughter to do anything like this. Now your photo, and as you can see NO ONE new it was for a cause, will be viewed, scrutinized, ogled, and a merid of other unintended consiquenses that you probably never thought would happen. This has potential long term and perminent unintended consiquenses.


I am glad you stood up for your friend. But I personally hope my daughter or neices never feel the need to help a cause by posting a picture such as this. I get girls and women do this all the time, but I'm almost 100% sure they do it to be "sexy" "edgy" or "provocative". That's their intent. You had to and will have to defend yourself against a MOINTAIN of material like that. Your not Miley Cirus and I am sooooo glad for that. But how many folks that have seen that photo know that. How many will know that in the future. It is a good example for my daughter what not to do and for good reason. I truly wish you the best and hope and I truly mean hope that I am wrong with everything I just said.

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  • Baller

Knowing the back-story on the photo, I have no issue with it...Personally, I wouldn't have any issue with it anyway. However, I very much understand where @Wish is coming from, as I didn't "like" it on facebook or instagram due to knee-jerk reaction (and assumptions) that 90% of the population will make after seeing that I "like" it.


It is one of those things that, unless people read the caption, people get the wrong idea, and my finace' happens to be one of those people.

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@Wish On your later post, I very much disagree. I don't want my daughters to be afraid to do the right thing because of the possibility of future misperception. I commend Ambre for supporting her fellow athlete against an unreasonable government. Tyranny thrives when people are unwilling to stand up and take some personal risk.


I never endorse taking risk just for the sake of risk, but we also must not be too afraid of risks when we know we're doing the right thing.


I hope it's obvious this is in no way personal; you and I simply disagree in our evaluation of this action.

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Absolutely nothing wrong with this pic and in my option it is G rated.


Many Bikini's we see at the lakes these days show as much or more as does the Victoria's Secret magazines my wife gets in the mail twice a week.




Great skiing!

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First i think we all should keep in mind that the poll doesnt have to do with the morality of the photo. Personally i have no problem with it. Does it belong on BOS i can see the negative aspect and would say probly not. We need to keep in mind when we discuss things like this that the person being discussed is often reading the thread.

The main thing I took from the photo was an extremely gorgeous girl who can out ski me. I have a new female skier crush. Its not totally weird i just turned 26.

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  • Baller_

@Than_Bogan‌ Then the world may look forward to wondering why your daughter posed in a way that makes people question character-- potentially. As stated above, the caption/intent of the photo disappeared. But the photo did not. You have your line the sand. ALL dad's do. Moms as well. The only thing you disagree with is where my line is. Not the idea of a line.



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Good grief! Far racier pics have been posted on this website. A few pics of The Krista come to mind. I didn't realize there were so many teatotalers in the waterski community.


I had to give @Wish my first thumbs down. For which I'm feeling far more conflicted!

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@jipster43‌ Ahhhh, agree. But no ones asked if its appropriate till now. Makes it interesting doesnt it. No worries. I've had others give me the old thumbs down and tossed a few out there myself. It's all good fun. Welcome to the thumbs down club. I thumbsed up yours to offset my thumbs down. :).



:the principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks.


Pretty sure that's not me. Abstanance from ogling a girl, any girl near my daughters age dressed provocatively maybe.... Not sure what the label is for that..."Creepyguyitus" perhaps. Guessing the word for checking out women my age with an athletic builds is labeled .... Normal.

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15 years ago I could of cared less. Then a daughter was born and my perspective was changed forever. @mrjones I get it man. Free country though. She can do whatever she likes and has that right.
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