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  • Baller

Finally was able to get out for the first time on mine this morning (damn wind). Only took two sets and it's too early to really say much, however there were two things that immediately stood out for me.


1) Being a long time MPD user/lover the influence from that ski was obvious to me. Stable as standing on a 2x12, just like my trusty MPD. I was almost immediately comfortable on it. 2) I was purposely trying to get on the front of the ski in my offside turns (never been all that good at it) and when I was able to the thing engages just like on onside. Once I've learned to trust that it won't pitch me OTF there's a lot of promise there I think.

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@Rpc29 I got a Vapor yesterday. Now I have two sets on it, (in terrible windy weather). Same thing, offside great, onside - it doesn't seem to come round. Maybe I just need to reach a bit higher and be patient. I feel it has promise. I currently have Rossi settings and will persevere.
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  • Baller
im on a 67 fb 29 3/4 2.475 6.880 75.5 skied 3 set this season just running 28 right now ski feels great. my ski partner has the same ski set at 2.450 6.960 .75 dft fb same he looks good for only a few sets this yr. I will try the longer shallower setting this week water is 62 air 75 plus it has been super winy the last few weeks.
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  • Baller
A great ski, turns both sides really well without changing from published numbers. Running Rossi numbers with binding forward to 29.7/8th. I spent a year on a D3 Quest never really getting anywhere on it. This ski I have great hopes for. Ran 13m this weekend in 20mph winds so pretty good in crap weather.
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  • Baller

My 68 is set at 6.896, 2.458, 0.735 wing at 9, front boot at 30 9/16. It's way better than I am now, very good both sides, tip down and drives back in with power. Ran my first 38 on it and a few times since (practice). Now just need to pull my head out and put together a good tournament round.

This ski will work with OK with wack numbers but is crazy good with the right ones (for you). The "official" numbers seem to vary by source and vary fairly regularly. Don't be afraid to play around with the settings a bit, it won't bite. But as you get closer to the right ones the performance goes way up and it gets even easier to ski.

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  • Baller

I changed my settings on my 67 vapor to the new # 6.960 2.450 .75 9 wing holy sheep dip the ski is even more amazing. only 4 sets into the season just running 28 32 34mph if you have a vapor I would say if you don't try the new settings you missing out.



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So this may be a noob question but are all skis set to a certain number from the factory? Like a baseline number? I thought they were some years ago? I haven't touched mine so whatever it was when it left the bench at Radar is what its at. I have only skied 8-10 passes on it and it feels smooth and stable I believe I will be liking it a lot in the next few sets...
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  • Baller


Check your fin!!!. Just because it came from the factory doesn't mean it is set up with "factory" numbers. I think the finishing assembly on most skis is done by minimum wage college kids that may be hung over and are likely done at the end of the day. Some skis are on the money... some are all over the place. Find the recommended numbers on the mfg web site and check to see if you are close.

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  • Baller

You guys who are having onside issues (not coming around) take a look at Rini's new settings chart. It's a big move for the bindings. When I got my 67, his front binding number was 29.5, now it's 30.25...


63.5, 6.875, 2.475, .745 wing at 8, boot at 29.00

65, 6.880, 2.475, .745 wing at 9, boot at 29.25

66, 9.954, 2.445, .745 wing at 9, boot at 29.25

67, 6.960, 2.450, .750 wing at 9, boot at 30.25

68, 6.960, 2.450, .750 wing at 9, boot at 30.75

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  • Baller

Been out now 3 times on my 68" Vapor (damn wind...), each time with different "factory" settings. Seems to be a moving target yet... Most recent move was moving the bindings forward on the ski per @Roger's listed numbers above. Moved bindings from 30 1/4 forward one hole to about 30 1/2" or so, moving a full half inch just seemed too much of a move to take all at once. Left the fin at the numbers listed above.


Don't think I'll need to go any farther forward, the off sides (2 - 4 for me) are basically automatic now with pretty much no input from me at all - just stand up straight and reach - and boom. Get on the front now too much, which I'm not particularly good at anyway, and the ski stalls. But even in a stall I'm yet to be pitched OTF which is always a huge positive. Still getting a feel for it but I've put the MPD away in the closet for good now.

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  • Baller
@Horton better be nice, or I'll pull a "Smart" and send him a picture of his ski in it's new home. :) Or even better, I'll send him pics of his ski with every attractive woman I know all summer long. Kind of like the Christmas Elf type thing. lol
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  • Baller
@rq0013, @skidawg is correct. I used the fin settings from Rini on perfski.com, which have the exact same measurements from @Roger, but different binding placement. I tried the binding placement @Roger listed as new Rini numbers.
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  • Baller
@mzito, please post them if you don't mind. I've heard he's made some adjustments in recent weeks that seem a bit more optimized. Having ski'd his settings for 5years now, I'd like to use them as a baseline for my switch from Strada to Vapor. Thanks!!
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  • Baller

@skidawg‌ @Texas6‌ This is for the 69.5 Vapor per Rossi. He said to start with the 1st set of numbers and then if needed try the 2nd. I will not know how this works until next week. I will get my new stick delivered Sat or Monday.


(1st set of numbers he gave)








(2nd set of numbers)


30 7/8"





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  • Baller
Wow. Seriously, wow! I have never transitioned from one ski to another so effortlessly and immediately felt comfortable. Really comfortable. Whenever I've bought skis in the past, I would normally spend a set at my opener and just settle in on it. It felt so good I just decided to run up the line right away. The angle generated out of my offside was immediately noticed as was the stability in general. Turns were effortless. This ski and I have big plans
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  • Baller
Tried the 67 with binding at 30.25 this evening. Just too heavy on the backside of the buoy. Skied much more like the Prophecy. 29 7/8 or so seems to be the ticket. 30.25 might be a good setup for a skier who needs help with getting the ski pointed crosscourse.
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