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June Form Guide


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  • Baller
I skied with @OTF yesterday and picked up some pointers...and managed not to eat crap which I usually do once or twice each time out. Was it his pointers or was it pure dumb luck, I won't know until next time.
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  • Baller
Haven't run a 38 yet in June........... guess there is lots of days left though. Been rounding 4 ball in good shape, and then thinking it is a complete pass,only to do something less than ideal and get out of shape...... I feel it coming though!
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  • Baller
Got out this morning before work......... RAN MY 38' OFF for the 2nd time this year (3rd Time Ever all on the 66.75 Nano OneXT) and posted a new PRACTICE PB of 3 @ 39.5' OFF! I think I ran that 38 pass about 100 times in my sleep last night. When I got on the water this morning, I knew it was going down. It was the first time I ran 38 that I thought I could/might/possibly been able to back the pass up with another 38 right away........ but then I said screw it, shorten it to 39.5 please! Stand up 3, and almost took a stab at a frantic 4.........
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Still reeling from the late start here in MA. Hard to complain when poor lake-mate @Chef23 isn't able to ski at all, but -- no, wait, it's never hard to complain! :)


I "took a look" at -35 last week for the first time, and definitely wasn't ready for it yet. Since I got onto this N1, -35 has sometimes seemed easy, so I must admit I was kinda hoping, even though I'm not close to the usual buoy count I'd hit before trying a -35. I "normally" (since the N1) expect to get one in late May, so I thought I'd give it a shot, but I clearly need more time on the ski.


Feels like -38 is sooo far away right now, but I ran enough of 'em last year that I have confidence I'll get there . . . eventually.


Finally, fingers crossed for a tournament season that is more like 2011, when everything just seemed to fall my way. I've had a few of those over the years -- 2004 might have been the previous one -- and I always start with the assumption that THIS YEAR is another one!

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  • Baller
Finally got on the water this last weekend. Listening to Horton's rants over the winter I spent Friday and Saturday trying to get stacked on my weak side. Needless to say, I got a lot of work to do.
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  • Baller
@Horton -- I have a reputation to uphold! Official count on my spreadsheet this morning is 1398 buoys plus 5 open water ski sets. It would be nice if I ever got to do any of those in something resembling calm conditions! About half of the passes are -32, one-third -28, and most of the rest -35 (with a few pokes at -38 despite it being early season for me).
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  • Baller
Two open water sets over the weekend which is a huge improvement given my shoulder. No skiing for over a week as they are treating the weeds in our lake then I am going to the US Open (golf). Hopefully when I am back I will be able to run some balls. First tournament is coming up shortly.
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  • Baller
Ran my first 35 of the season yesterday, in 63 degree water. Due to a slow start, I have only tried a handful of 35's this year. This is the earliest I've managed to get into 38. I credit part of the successful 35 to changing my gate this weekend. It made it feel like a 32.
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I have been increasing my ski days lately. Ran my first -22 a couple of weeks ago. I was worried about trying it, so I started at 24.9 mph, got it. Then 26mph, got it. Then not all of 28mph. Now I am working on my consistency with 30mph, -15's, and trying to get that elusive 32mph, -15. I am free skiing on my larger lake this morning, then up at the course lake later this morning. Wade cox lessons tomorrow, then seth and c.p. lessons in July.
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  • Baller

Slow start here in New England, but we are starting to get better weather. First tournament of the year and first time this year running 32 off. And did it in both rounds, which I have never done before. There may be hope for me. Of course I will ski like a donkey tonight.


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@rayn That is AWESOME! If there has ever been a more clutch performer than you, I don't know who it is. Tournaments seem to consistently add buoys for you, and your PB is from freakin' Regionals.


NOW time to get that pesky -35 figured out. Your much-improved gate gives me hope, but I think you'll still need to get a little smoother (or flowy as Horton likes to say) in a few spots to finish that one off. Seems possible this year, though!


And the race is ON between training partners @rayn and @Chef23. Sit back and pass the popcorn! :)


For my part, I was really pleased with my progress up until last week, when something weird happened to my back (seemingly during the night on a non-ski day ... wtf). Because it's in the general neighborhood of some serious disc injuries I've had in the past, I have to be really careful. But I appear to be healing quickly and might be pain-free in a few more days. No skiing until 100%, though -- can't risk losing the rest of the season to being a hero. That purple line will still be there when I get back! And maybe the water will be low enough that I can try it without the freakin' backwash...

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  • Baller
slaloming 3-4 days a week since late February, first tournament came out with a score of 2@39. Trick skiing 2 days/week need to bump that up and am planning on breaking out the jumpers for the first time in two years since ankle injury seems fully healed after otf.
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  • Baller
Newb to skiing the course. I have been skiing for a long time but never with the intention of getting into the course. So armed with my 2013 HO triumph I got into the course for the first time last weekend. What I learned is that I have a lot to relearn and that it is a lot of fun. Ran 15 off at 28 mph and got 2 balls, nearly 3. Hoping to improve to run the course at 15 off 30 mph before summer is over.
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@Niles Taylor‌ , I think you are on the right track. I too had skied for most of my life, but got a late start with my first full pass at age 55. Your ski will ski down to 24, or 26 in the course. Wade cox told me yesterday during a great 2 set lesson that the new triumph has a ton of performance in it up to 32mph, and no reason to change up. Welcome, and good luck.
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  • Baller
Yes, addiction it is. Thanks for the welcoming, and encouragement. First thing I'm going to work on is to keep my arms straight and work on getting into a stacked position after the turn. Love the forum! Great info and inspiration. Some of you make it look so easy!
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I'm finally getting a chance to get back on BOS, my new job is limiting my ability to waste (I mean spend) copious amounts of time online. I recovered from a broken wrist and first day back on a ski was June 5th. After several open water skis, and a hand full of days in the buoys I found myself tying my practice PB yesterday (3 balls at 34 mph @ -22'). I know I'm not as good as others here, but looking back 1 year ago I was inconsistently making 30 mph @-15' passes. I am excited to finally start skiing off the orange line, and really hope to get into -28' before to long.
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@Joeprunc Don't assume everybody here is better than -22. A lot of the most active folks are deep shortline skiers, but some are not. And last I saw Horton's stats, he seemed to think a much larger group of infrequent-or-never posting 15off folks were "around."


But regardless, we can all celebrate accomplishment at every level. My "Best Day of My Life" would still suck for any Big Dawg regular, but those guys are often among the first to offer a pat on the back when I do something good-for-me.

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@Than_Bogan‌ thank you for the reassurance. It makes me laugh a little to think about how excited I was to get to a new level, but have very few people around me (work especially) that actually understand. And that is why I visit BOS is because of the common drive for one more ball no matter what level you are at. And I am part of that -15' club, and always will be, there is a special place in my heart for the red line ;).


I was watching video of me skiing last year with respect to this year, holy cow did I make some improvements. Can't wait to get back on the water.

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@Joeprunc Ya know, in all honesty, I find it kinda weird how "normal people" don't at all care about accomplishment. I like to think that I get pretty excited for anyone who does anything that they've been working hard at and recently took to a new level.


There are some folks at work who get that, even though they've never skied a slalom pass in their lives. But there are many who just don't, and that confuses me a little. Have they really just never felt that feeling at all? Or is there some reason they can't relate their accomplishment to my accomplishment? Like I said, I is confused.

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