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Carbon Pro vs. 200


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  • Baller
Formal C.P. review?Get serious.They are his main sponsor.Of course it is the best boat he has ever owned.This is America,and of course this is only my opinion......Guess my only Baller Coin has just lost it's face value.Come on John, someone has to stir it up.
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  • Baller
Guys, Centurion has built a really nice boat for fewer dollars. I can go back two years and point to countless threads asking for exactly what the have produced. A straight up, fantastic looking no BS ski machine with ZO, a perfect wake, and world record capabilities for less money. We can split hairs on the drawbacks, but I've heard none that impact any of those categories, and kudos to them for supporting the web community who knows the sport the best. The CP is a success
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  • Baller

@Texas6‌ No all the new boats are failures. None considered the trick wake. There are ways to get both (I guarantee it - any manufacturers want to take me up on it?). A private lake slalom only boat is sorely lacking.


The CP might have the best trick wake of any new boat but that's not saying much.



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  • Baller

The Carbon Pro seems to provide the market with what was lost with the death of the 196...a true, hard core, closed bow slalom tug without the frills.


@OB, totally understand your point and was mine for years with boats like Moomba and Gekko. Nothing wrong with them but when asked to buy one of those new vs. a 100-200 hour used big 3 at same price point? No question which is the better boat built with better components which will last longer.


I think the new CP, though, is of interest. At the swamp I don't need a big open bow, ski storage etc. I also have a '91 Centurion that has stood the test of time with proper care. Given the different style of boat...I'm not sure the CP vs. a used current big 3 is a fair comparison at this point...huge open bow boats vs. ski specific only closed bow. For me it's 2014 CP vs. '08 or '09 SN 196 for next swamp boat. I've not skied or driven the CP but sure would like to do so.


I love the late model 196's with proper set up...not sure the current boats have anything on them other than space...and they probably give up to the 196 some acceleration and for some of the boats tracking.


I can't comment on the business plan for SN...but I know there are other ballers that appreciate the merits of the 196 and that head on...it would be serious competition for the CP. What if SN ran CC200's only in open bow and kept alive the 196 at a lower price point?



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  • Baller
@ob in theory, you are correct. But you arent making a fair comparison. The ONLY way to fairly look at boat prices across manufactures is looking at it year to year. My dad is looking at 2012 CP's and they have 400-500 hrs and are in the mid 30's. A similar Nautique (2012 400-500 hrs) is in the 40's. To say "well you can get a used Nautique cheaper than a new CP" of course you can. You can also get a used BMW cheaper than you can get a new Chevrolet. I can tell you, you can get a 2012 CP for mid to high 30's. You cannot get a 200 for mid 30's. I have seen one and it had 1500 hours and it was still a 2010 for, if I remember right, $39,500. Price point is not a strong point for the 200.
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  • Baller
My favorite boat to ski behind is the CP. It feels consistently the best, every boat, every driver, every site. It feels like it's working with you - like there is a tiny bit of give when you load but then you get comfortably rocketed across to the other side. This year, the 2014 200 we are skiing behind at our club feels the same - super nice pull and like it's helping you, but in the past three years I've had bizarrely variable rides from different 200s from too soft, to just feeling like it's out of synch with the skier. I don't understand what creates this feel of just a tiny bit of give when you hook up but then the boat zips you across. The boat doesn't feel "soft", it literally feels like it's working with you like a great hand driver used to be able to do. This feel I'm referring to is in tournaments where boat path is being scrutinized, so I don't think it's driver swerve. Thoughts? Whatever it is, I love it.
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  • Baller
I am fortunate enough to drive multiple examples of the Big 4 each year. Skidawg's 2014 CP is one of the best driving/skiing boats I've encountered. For what it is ( a tractor), it serves its purpose well. Is it on "a rail" like a 200? No. But, as long as I feel connected to my skier and know where he is at all times, I'm fine. With the CP, I always know where my skier is and the boat is nimble enough to allow for proactive corrections that do not adveresly affect the skier.
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Things I know for sure changed:


Some 2012's and all newer have a lower profile engine cover.

When I got a new rudder in late 2013 it was different then what was on my (very early) 2012. Much better driving with this.

Cup holders now.

The metal panels on the bow are now carbon, but the inlays are not carbon.

Window frame is black now but mine is silver.

I have the ZF45 tranny in my 2012 not sure if they ever had something different.

There is padding on the handle on the back now.

The padding is different on the new ones then on my 2012.


Here is a not so helpful pic of my 2012




I wonder how much of the initial "doesn't drive well" talk came from my boat which was AWFUL until I got a new rudder in it. It's a lot like a 197 or a lightly torqued TXi now to drive with a better rudder.

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  • Baller
I have a 2012 carbon pro 450 HP model best skiing and driving boat i have ever had! The 450 HP is great for our short set up. Was told when i got mine there was different transmisions being used. Looks the same as Kfennell"s boat.
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I love this website. It helped renew my interest in something I set aside for 20 years.


Centurion is going to send the very best example of their latest and greatest to the most visible person in our a sport. That's a smart move. John is likely telling it like he sees it when he gives his opinion of his CP. To me, that just shows how small the margin is between the Big 3+1.

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Thanks @Porkfight‌

The reality is there is not a bad boat among the 4. If I think about it I can find something negative to say about any of the 4. None are perfect.


The flip side is that I would be pretty happy with a new boat from any of the 4. When I look at Ski-It-Again I have to ask "If these boats are roughly the same as those boats why do some cost $20,000 more?"

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  • Baller

@Horton - must be the open bow ;) I've only seen one Centurion up close and it was one of their smaller wake boats (SS210 I think) at the boat show this year. The impression I got looking at it was that it had a Moomba quality interior - not bad but not great, and the controls and instrumentation were pretty basic - like a 10 year old Malibu. Some of them like the heater switch was just weird, or the key switch being on the left side. Now that is not all bad, honestly I think I'd rather have analog gauges than the 2 screen video game system that is in my VTX. I think that things like that make up a lot of the price difference.



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@oldjeep‌ I think if you drove in a 2014 CP you might be more impressed with the interior. I guess it is not gold plated but it is a freaking ski tractor.
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  • Baller_
last year at the Nationals seems I was the Carbon Pro driver as most all the slalom I drove was with a CP. I also drove one in Jump. Sadly the the Slalom boats were a handful to drive even with the Girls event I pulled. But!!!! The CP jump boat was a different animal and a dream to drive. 6 liter drove like it was on rails. Would have liked to have that boat in the slalom events I pulled. looking forward to regionals as undoubtedly will get a chance to drive (maybe ski) a 14 Carbon Pro.
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  • Baller
The CP 6L jump boat @Jody_Seal is referring to is sitting in my driveway. It is the dealer/promo boat of a friend of mine. I can confirm it is a sweet driving and skiing boat. This is coming from a 200 owner. I've enjoyed driving the CP in a few tournaments around the Houston area.
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If there is not something fundamentally wrong with a boat I think set up is a big deal. There is a 200 on my lake that I find somewhat hard to drive. A assume that if @Jody_Seal‌ had it for a day that would not be the case.


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