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@mattp To my understanding we cannot alter tournament dates in short notice due to waiting period on sanctioning. Could there be some sanction pre-approval for clubs that meet the AWSA rule criteria. This would allow clubs to change a date without waiting on sanctioning or being locked to a specific date. AWSA website has provided tools such as online entry status that would allow clubs to contact people if a schedule change is needed.


Example 1: We had a tourney sanctioned on Sunday. Saturday (practice)the wind was 0 great skiing, Sunday the wind shifted out of the North and blew the tourney out. We could of changed to Saturday but we were not sanctioned for Saturday. All knew the wind shift was coming but our hands were tied.


Example 2: July 4th flat calm practice was great, we had all the judges, drivers etc. to put on a class C tourney. We were sanctioned for the 5th and 6th, the wind blew both days out. We could of started the tourney on the 4th everyone would have had 3 good rounds of skiing. But no we were locked to the sanction dates.


In our state xxxxx we have very good Seniors, Regulars and Assistant judges that follow the AWSA rule book and are onsite during all functions of hosting a tourney. If they had the flexibility to start earlier, later or change a date for Class C tourney to optimize skier performance due to weather or size of a tourney would be more enjoyable for all.


I am not saying changes for L, R, Regionals, Nationals and State> JUST CLASS C. If someone uses my proposed change for their own advantage would NOT be good. In the end they would be exposed in a Regional or National tourney I would think. They could bump someone thru the rankings I suppose but hopefully with flexibility all will get the best conditions possible to up their ranking.


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@shaneH that is an option and we do have a very good EVP. I would rather have the power placed in the LOC and appointed judges. This would be more flexible instead having exercise communiction channels for something I feel would better handled locally.
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  • Baller
In the Houston area we have enough sites that for the main summer weekends all of the days are scheduled. Sometimes sites will split Sat - Sunday. EVP prevents double booking of these days. @MattP, I think you are right on insurance issue.
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@MattP I would think that would cause more confusion > not sure. We deal with that on practice also. Just saying looking at flat calm water one day knowing the next day during the tourney will be gail force winds is depressing. Ins. is always tuff to handle maybe not doable in this case. This website is a very good communication channel for idea's to be checked by actual accounts good, bad or other options as you and shanH have given.
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  • Baller

I've seen some of the 6 rounder weekends (2 3 round tourneys, 1 Saturday and 1 Sunday) actually sanction 1 for Friday/Saturday and the other for Sunday/Monday. It gives some flexibility to handle a few more skiers and potential weather issues.


For the July 4th situation, next time sanction for the 4th, 5th and 6th. Communication is essential in the sanction guide to avoid confusion.



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