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How often do you ski?


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  • Baller

Between working 8-5, living 45 min away from our public lake, not having a boat, or a course how often do you all get to ski?


Couple questions:


1. How often do you get to ski?

2. Do you live on a lake?

3. Do you have a boat and driver at your dock at your convenience?

4. Are you part of a club?

5. How close is the nearest skiing and what's your availability?

6. Any suggestions to help out my current situation?


Currently living in Indiana while my wife is at school in TN. Moving to TN in the spring, possibly between Clarksville and Nashville. Potentially going to be working from home or looking for a new job (preferably one that is more accommodating to a friendlier ski schedule). Either way just needing to ski a lot more....

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  • Baller

6.... but of course Clarksville is the wrong side of Nashville... But I think you already know that.



1. 3-4 times a day every ~2-3 weeks, weather permitting.

2. No but have access to public water.

3. I have family/people to drive, restriction is primarily course access - have boats.

4. No - no public membership club within weekday driving distance.

5. 1-2 hours typically - more in traffic.

6. I feel like anyone who truly wants the sport to grow should be actively trying to use "down time" at their lakes for getting people out skiing. This includes every collegiate team, every private lake etc. Obviously there are insurance issues, but to me there has to be a way for people who have their own USAWS membership to pay money and book sets somewhere.


So to summarize - to ski I drive a good distance, contend with public water/crooked courses, and then occasionally pay for coaches/sets at private waters on weekends that using my boats doesn't work out.

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1. 2-3x a day 6 days a week

2. Yes.

3. Yes boat driver is easy almost always.

4. I live in a private lake community so I guess?

5. They made me set back the house 20 feet from the lake. So 20 ft?

6. Be super friendly and appreciative of the people who have boats, do things to help them and they will invite you out more? Not sure how to address that really you already know that working from home is the key!

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  • Baller

1. 1x a day 3-5 days a week depending on travel schedule.

2. Yes public water with a course.

3. Have a boat at my dock and friends on lake so driver usually isn't a problem. Plus my 15 year old son is starting to drive.

4. We have a small club that maintains the courses.

5. 50 feet from back door. Availability depends on boat traffic and wind but you can usually find a time to get some decent water.

6. Always bring gas and money. Be sure to provide other help, wipe the boat down clean up, provide early/late season help putting courses in and out etc.

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  • Baller

1. 3 - 4 x a week. Skiing every day = not productive for me.

2. Yes

3 . Yes

4. no, but Floyd McCreight keeps bagging on me to join the Austin Ski Club.

5. I have a longer commute then Kevin, 45 feet to water, prob 250 ft to my boat on a lift.


Is there a ski club at that lake? Join it! make friends! especially make friends with someone with a boat! use your friends!

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  • Baller

1) 3x a week until Sunday when I was bitten by a Rattlesnake

2) I wish

3) I own a boat but rarely use it due to a) Cali drought 2) I pay for a membership at a private ski lake

4) Yes

5) 1 hour, I work 4 ten hour days so we ski Weds pms and Fri/Sundays

6) Seek out a private lake and get a membership -benefits are through the roof.



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  • Baller

1. How often do you get to ski?


Twice a week. Occasionally 3X a week but if I ski hard I really need a couple of days of recovery time between or it's just about not worth it. Damned rapidly increasing age.


2. Do you live on a lake?


In my dreams. So no. I have a private lake 15 minutes away that I get to ski on a very few times a year, another private site 1 1/2 hours away that I can ski on anytime I want. But it's 1 1/2 hours away... Community lake with a course I ski on with fair frequency (props to the Raintree crew) but it's a 50 minute drive each way. Three public lakes we can throw a portable course in but the wind determines which lake we can use. Two of the 3 are 45 minutes each way. So I drive a lot of miles to go skiing.


3. Do you have a boat and driver at your dock at your convenience?


Everyone I ski with drives so driver is not an issue.


4. Are you part of a club?


No. Unless INT League counts.


5. How close is the nearest skiing and what's your availability?


Closest public lake is 10 minutes. But the wind has to be low to ski there. Early mornings only and only with no/light wind. So usability is limited. Otherwise a couple of times a week is about it.


6. Any suggestions to help out my current situation?


Plenty of great ideas above so I won't add to that, other than to encourage you to not give up on it. Keep digging, you'll find a kindred spirit out there somewhere.


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1. About 5 days a week.

2. Yes, a larger lake that we free ski on.

3. Yes, a boat on a lift, and we can usually find other skiers.

4. Yes, a private course lake, about 20 minutes away, that I ski at about 3 days a week, 2 sets each time.

5. ^

6. Ski in a course as much as you can. Free skiing is fun, good exercise, social, and good rope time experience, but you always free ski narrow and late, and you really need to course ski pretty often to keep improving.

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  • Baller

1) 1-2 times per week, sometimes more if on vacation

2) Live 10 minutes from a river and 2 blocks from a lake. River is first choice.

3) More or less, depends on their schedule but one is retired and the other is an airline attendant with weekends and some weekdays off. Multiple boats available.

4) No club, just friends.

5) Nearest skiing 2 blocks away. Best skiing this side of Minnesota is 10 minutes away.


6) Best suggestion I can make is move as close to skiable water as possible, and just plain get out there and talk to some people. Don't overlook public water...I met several of my skiing partners by just pulling up and striking up a conversation one morning while I was out for a boat ride on the river. Skied with them the following weekend and now I'm one of their "thirds" that they rely on for spotting and driving. I had all but given up trying to ski regularly. Keep at it.

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0. Is 6 a couple?

More like an orgy...


1. How often do you get to ski?

4-6 sets per week as 2 sets per day on either 2 or 3 days. (When healthy.)


2. Do you live on a lake?

Yes. (Technically not quite, but for all practical purposes yes.)


3. Do you have a boat and driver at your dock at your convenience?

Yes. I have a "regular" driver and 3-4 others who are happy to step in as needed. (And obviously I drive for them whenever I can as well.)


4. Are you part of a club?

Sort of -- same "club" that @Chef23 mentioned.


5. How close is the nearest skiing and what's your availability?

Out back door. Most hours are skiable except weekend afternoons when it's warm (which is like maybe 9 weeks).


6. Any suggestions to help out my current situation?

I was in a very similar situation for a few years. My first suggest I don't think has been mentioned yet: Go to tournaments!! Your score is irrelevant; just being there tells people you are serious and probably reliable. And there's no better place to meet all the folks in your area who might be able to pull you. Indeed, I found my house because of contacts made at tournaments!

Next, be SUPER-helpful and bring all your own everything (don't forget rope and gas), and be available whenever anybody needs a driver. But also be persistent: Keep calling, emailing, texting whomever may be available. In today's busy lives, nobody really has time to think of "the other guy" and make a point to accommodate them. But if you get a call from a guy that you know is good to ski with (BE THAT GUY), then you may just say yes.

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  • Baller

1. How often do you get to ski?

On a good week, 3 days, (2 sets per day)... but lately just one day a week.


2. Do you live on a lake?

No, nearest ski lake is .25 mile and public water is 25 miles away.


3. Do you have a boat and driver at your dock at your convenience?

Not at my convenience. I try to be that person for the people I ski with though.


4. Are you part of a club?

I would be if the ski lake by our house sold public memberships. Memberships at that lake our limited only to owners of property that touch the lake. There are 37 lots on the lake and only 25 memberships (limited by HOA). There is a lot for sale on the lake, but that would just allow me to sit on a waiting list indefinitely. Currently I ski there with members as a guest, but that keeps me limited only to when they want to ski.


5. How close is the nearest skiing and what's your availability?

.25 mile. The lake is a record capable setup for 3 event. As listed above, I will basically ski anytime a member will let me. I would literally ski every day given the opportunity. There just aren't that many active skiers near me.


6. Any suggestions to help out my current situation?

Scope out the best skiing locations in the area (highly recommend Lake Grace / Swerve Watersports just outside Manchester in Hillsboro - it's not a bad drive in/out of Nashville). Make sure there is availability to ski regularly and/or open memberships available. Commit to the commute if necessary. Definitely go to tournaments in the area and familiarize yourself with the local skiers. There is a regular group of skiers at Percy Priest in Nashville and they would most likely be welcoming to another baller. I skied with them once and felt that I fit right in and they had lots of good advice as well.


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1. How often do you get to ski?

Every day the weather allows. Usually 5 to 6 days a week in the evenings.

2. Do you live on a lake?


3. Do you have a boat and driver at your dock at your convenience?

There are three of us on the lake that ski together, so usually someone is always available.

4. Are you part of a club?

Yes, Watchic Lake Ski Club. However, we just started it and have no idea what it will evolve into.

5. How close is the nearest skiing and what's your availability?

We have two courses on a 400 acre pond so depending on wind direction, one is usually skiable. The pond is public, but there is no public access, so boat traffic is not too bad in the mornings and evenings.

6. Any suggestions to help out my current situation?

About a year ago I was in the same situation. I had a boat and no one to ski with/ drive. I just started getting out there and asking everyone I know, when I stumbled along a couple guys that were as dumb as me and wanted to chase buoys any chance possible. Don’t give up, be helpful, and always bring 5 gallons with you even if they say don’t worry about it.


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  • Baller

1. Last year twice a week, this year 3 times so far - no wakes have killed the opportunities. We have only put 23 hours on the boat doing anything so far this season, about 1/2 what we would normally do.

2. Nope, I wish

3. I have a boat in my garage and a wife. They can both be at a dock in 20 minutes. Alternately my father-inlaw has some ski buddies that I can ski with if the no wake ever goes away on that lake.

4. No

5. 10 miles to the lake with no course, 20 to the one that has one.

6. Meet some people


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  • Baller

lately, only once a week. I got a new ski and work has consumed my life. (again) Waaaaa!

I live in A Lake Community, Canyon Lake. I have my own boat and access to premier skiing and an abundance of skI partners (when I'm there.) I am working in Bakersfield right now so I have access to premier skiing here and awesome guys to ski with but unfortunately, due to my work load, I haven't been able to get together with the Bakersfield crew and the weather has been ridiculous! it's presently a 110 degrees and no wind.

access to skiing at home it is 4 minutes access in Bakersfield is 40 minutes. Canyon Lake has an awesome ski Club!

like people have said, try to be helpful and respectful and make sure to pay your way with either fuel or cash. and also if they allow you to drive be the best driver that you can possibly be!

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  • Baller

Last year i skied 80 sets over 5 months.

Type 20 was with coach at other sites


I do not live at a lake.


Being member of a club we share a boat.

It is mostly free when i need it.

Bad wind and waves are major problems.

We lost 25 days in June....

We pull each other so there is a need to team up and be the nice guy folks want to include.


It is 15-30 minutes drive pending traffic.

It is hard to ski in Sept - Oct due to darkness.

Cant make it from work to club in time.


I try to be extra nice and often bring some food.

Folks really like this. Save time for them also.


Best luck. Peter


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1. How often do you get to ski? 3 or 4 days a week. 2 sets any time I go to the lake

2. Do you live on a lake? No. the lake is 30 min from the house.

3. Do you have a boat and driver at your dock at your convenience? Nope. I text and call around before I go out.

4. Are you part of a club? No


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