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Need tips for hot water skiing


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  • Baller

After 7 years of tournament skiing, I've decided to finally go to Nationals. Being a Colorado skier, I haven't skied in water above the low to mid 80's. (The water at a tournament here last weekend was 65!) I imagine the water in San Marcos will be in the 90's. What can I expect that I will need to change in technique to account for the higher water temp? I imagine the work zone gets a little longer to account for the extra drag, but I will only have time for 1 or 2 practice rides to figure it out.


I am not looking to make any fin adjustments, other than maybe flattening my wing a degree or so. Mainly trying to think in advance about what, if any, changes in technique needs to be made for the warmer water.


Any advice is much appreciated.

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@skier2788 might have some more input since he has made the CO-TX trip before. It hasn't seemed to bother him that I Noticed as far as skiing goes. However, it is HOT HOT HOT OMG SO HOT here right now and all next week, and the water is getting very hot as well. So that being said I would advise the following.


1. Hats and glasses.

2. Suscreen, and repeat

3. GLOVE LINERS, you will not be able to ski even one set without them if you hands are not ready...

4. Stay in the shade/water for the hour before your set at least, dont let yourself get tired before you ski. Yesterday I washed my boat then drove for someone else, taking about 2 hours out in the sun, and then I skiied, Couldn't even run -28 when I slowed the boat down! I was useless.



Good luck, I will be enjoying the nice cool weather in Costa Rica ;)

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  • Baller

Thanks Kevin, all great tips. Do you know what the water temp at SMRR is? I just got done skiing in 75 degree water, and it felt warm to me. I can't imagine if it is mid 90's.


Have a blast in CR. Are you skiing with Kilsdonk while you are there?

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  • Baller
@Marco‌ don't worry Bryan Sara and you will ski fine. Be patient in your turns. I tend to over turn there. Water is sticky. Pull a little harder behind the boat. It isn't anything major. One set and I am back to my normal. Gate glide is the most noticeable. Go big on your gates compared to here so you don't sink and back foot the turn.
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I ski in Northern Utah on cold water and when i get to warmer water i move my bindings back 1/32. This move puts less tip in the slower softer water and creates a better feeling of center on the ski for me. Just a little info my bud Rossi passed onto me this spring in Florida.
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