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BigDawgs finals delay and protest - chronology


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  • Baller

@jcamp - I was on the periphery of the action and close enough to have a good understanding of what was going on. @Skidawg pretty much verified my understanding of the events. I'm with you as far as being happy the finals were finally run, it would have been a bigger disaster if they were not.


To be clear, I am not passing judgement on what happened, just reporting what I know. FWIW, I think awarding a re-ride was the wrong call, but once it was made, I wish cooler heads had prevailed. Everyone came out losers with the activity that followed.

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@Marco‌ I could not agree more.


Want to remind everyone again the cooler heads will prevail around here. Yesterday a lot of things were said. Today I am looking for the level of civility to go back to normal.

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  • Baller
@ski6jones My biggest pet peeve in my line of work is unwritten rules and/or procedures. We refer to it as "Tribal Knowledge". If it is unwritten then it is not a rule, not a procedure, and certainly not knowledge. Therefore, not everyone knows!
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  • Baller

I feel threads like these are why we don't see more of the pro and big dawg skiers on this forum. When something out of the norm happens we all draw lines and start with attacking individuals and there character. We should not be debating what Rodgers Dave Goode Dave miller or Mapple did and be trying to justify or condemn there actions. I wasn't in there shoes so I can't say how I would react to the events that unfolded. What I do know is that if we attack the top athletes in our sport and start calling each other names on the forum we will not see them posting here. This is the real downfall of our sport not the price of a new boat or ski. I really appreciate the people that do post on here like Marcus Brown and Chris Rossi. I hope this does not deter them in the future. I had hoped the skiing community was above this especially since the majority of this forum is middle aged businessmen.

I do feel the format of the tournament should be changed. I am all for discussing options. I would really like to see the skiing under the lights continue but instead of having just the big Dawgs skiing maybe we can make it purely an exhibition. Pull the top two skiers from B1-3 and G1-3 have them slalom as well as the top four of big dawg and open men's. No real titles or anything just bragging rights of I got to ski under the lights.

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After reviewing everyone comments relating to the controversial call at the Big Dawg I want to make one last comment.


This statement was posted earlier by 2788 "We should not be debating what Rodgers Dave Goode Dave miller or Mapple did and be trying to justify or condemn there actions" None of these guys started it was all the Big Dawgs that spoke up.


The whole point that most people seem to over look is the fact that the judge should have denied the call based on the fact that everyone of the skiers that have skied in the night finals in the past or that night could have legitimately asked for a re-ride due to lights and distractions. Point being I don't condemn Jeff for asking it just should have been denied based on simple common sense. If I happened to be the chief Judge and was asked for a reride due to lights and distractions I would have to say no. If I would approve a re-ride I know a war would break out with all the other skiers because almost all of them could justify the same call for a re-ride.


This is the whole reason everyone got so upset!!!!


Oh by the way Marcus great post and nothing against you but I defiantly got 2.25 bouys in the prelims!

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@skier2788 I see your point as it relates to this site, but somewhat aside:


All of the most popular sports in the world thrive on speculative criticism of their top althetes. If we get to the point where every sports talk show is taking sides in a completely fabricated Rodgers vs. Miller no-holds-barred-cage-match, then it may not be a good thing per se, but it would mean our sport has arrived in the national conciousness.


Point being, the fact that people keep talking about this shows that they are interested. (I personally am not all that interested. This is my first post in any of these threads I believe, and likely my last.)

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Please, everybody understand that Dave Miller did not personally start the protest!! It was the other skiers. I am the girlfriend of one of the Elite 8. I was there, and watching Jeff come back down the lake just felt SO WRONG! I'm talking about a gut level reaction.


I get that in hindsight starting the protest was probably the wrong thing to do, but at the time the sense of injustice was overwhelming and the Big Dawgs acted on it.


I firmly believe that if all you guys out there criticizing the skiers were actually a top Big Dawg skier at the site at that moment in time, 90% of you would have reacted the same way. (There were 2 or 3 guys that didn't freak out, but the majority did.)


There was no rule book a in anybody's head at the time. I'm talking about animal instincts here and almost everybody has those.


Still not saying the Big Dawgs were right but just tired of all the self righteous comments of some of the commenters here.

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