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Big Dawg Reflection - positive


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  • Baller

As I drove into work this morning after having been in San Marcos for the previous week, I was thinking about how much fun it was to hang out with all those guys and ski the Big Dawg and Nationals. What happened Sat night was too bad and I am sure we will improve on it from here. But nothing could change the fact that spending a week with that group is a really good time and this is the way I will remember it. As I stare at my computer screen struggling to remember what I do for a living after a week off, I want to share how it feels to be a part of this group:


From the comedy acts of guys like Chris Clark and Todd Ristorcelli, to the 100% nice guys like Todd Kuydendall and Scott Larson, to the mental toughness of Greg Badal, to the wisdom of Chet Raley and Ben Favret, and so on - this is a great group of guys. Whether it’s on site between rounds, over dinner or in a Head to Head pairing it’s a pleasure to hang out with every one of those guys and I am bummed I won’t see most of them until next year.


It gets talked about at the Big Dawg banquet before the finals every year. How much we enjoy and appreciate the camaraderie within this group of hard working and competitive guys. We all want to win, but we are all cheering each other on as well. The mood on the start doc is great because while everyone is getting focused and ready to go we are also watching and wanting to see every single skier go as far as they can. If someone needs a hand with their equipment or feedback on the conditions we help each other out. I don’t see how this part of the Big Dawg could ever improve, its ideal. Thanks guys, keep it up.


As I sit here I am also feel very thankful to the sponsors and officials that give us this venue to compete. It is by far the most fun I have ever had, and will ever have competing in waterskiing. Without sponsors and officials the Big Dawg would never happen, thank you.


I trust that the skiers/officials/sponsors will address opportunities for improvement and I will do what I can to help. In any case, I already look forward to seeing all these guys next season. I hope a lot of you come out to the California Pro-Am because it offers the same appeal. If you do, come out early and catch a few rides at my place, it would be great to see you!


Kevin Bishop


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  • Baller
Well said Kevin. Wish I could make the Pro-Am. Told my wife that my 2015 list of things I really want to do includes skiing a Big Dawg (despite the fact that I'm more of a puppy) and skiing a Pro-Am. In both cases it is as much or more about the experience of hanging out with great folks and watching incredible skiing performances than about my individual skiing (although I hope to enjoy that too!). Hopefully I will get to meet you next year . . . twice!
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  • Baller_

Kevin those are such good points. I really did forget about all of that in the wake of controversy. Thanks for reminding us.


There is a Big Dawg in FL 2015. Hmmmm better get to training...and harder.

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  • Baller
Nicely said! I think the fact that there is such a passionate discussion going on about this subject says a lot for the level of interest in the Big Dawg. Great tour, great tourney, great skiing, and really solid competitive individuals - Can't wait for the next one
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  • Baller
I agree with Kevin, that the personalities of the individuals at the tournament makes these big dawgs fun and entertaining. These guys are passionate and very knowledgeable about water skiing. Getting to ski with legends is a great experience that gives us a reason to tinker with our skies and train hard for next year. Hope I can do this again next year.
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