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My improved stack


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  • Baller

This year I worked on many things but the stack was most important as I am sure most of you would agree. Lift the hips, chest up, head back were all encouraged, however, Terry Winters told me -'Square your shoulders to the boat and the hips will come up'. It worked! He also said forget about all the other aspects of the pass and run it with 'arms straight pinned to your vest without breaking over and over' -I cannot do this yet.







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  • Baller

Looks good dude!

@SkiJay you couldn't have hit the nail on the head any harder! It takes a long long time to break old habits. I'm learning this first hand. I'm lucky that I get to spend time with some great skiers at my site and valuable lessons from Trent and Seth haven't hurt either!

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  • Baller

I have always found looking at the pylon from handle hookup to the second wake has made a huge improvement in my stack. I think that is because it helps force me to square up.

Looking at things that make my body react are way more effective for me than just thinking about square shoulders.


Regardless, amazing improvement. Keep up the great skiing!

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  • Baller

@SkiJay you are right,..this is a work in progress and as soon as I try -28 I go back to the squat any my back pays the price


@disland the lake is Sunspray at the foothills to the Sierras near Yosemite. They should have compacted the dirt more before filling it so it is muddy. It is close to home (I live in the Sierras -near Sonora Ca. ...same county as Yosemite) and there are only a few owners and members so it's drama free and a great place for me to get better!


Thanks to all for the encouraging words!

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  • Baller

This is the video the still shots from above were taken from via a cool app called video2photo. A glaring thing I need to fix is the 'handle snatch' that is so hard wired. At 1-3-5 I pull the handle back to my hip as opposed to skiing back to the stack or hip to handle. I get so focused on one thing -trying to square my shoulders to the boat that I revert back to being impatient in the turn.


-my nephews think it's cool that I ski in chocolate milk!


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  • Baller
@skinut sorry I missed your question, as you see in the video I am really thinking white water to white water. From the glide I try not to load up the pull until the 1st wake and be off it by the 2nd. This is referred to by some as a progressive pull. So I suppose the square shoulders is fully loaded if you will at the 1st white water and off by the 2nd...also I have been trying to keep lead arm pressure to stay on the handle longer until the boat takes the handle -a lot to still dil in. Dry suit awaits!
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  • Baller
Ok, the video does not lie. It almost always helps if you head to open water to sort this sort of thing out. From the video I would say you still need to work on that body position which is about 7 /10 - Your losing it at the wakes and dropping your hips, from the hookup you need to focus on improving your alignment which starts out ok. Just keeping your chest up through the wakes should be enough advice to help you nail it. Good skiing.
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