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Good Reminder


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  • Baller

As I start thinking about calling it a season (Nov 1 is my target end date/last ski of 2014), I decided to take the 38, 39.5, and 41 OFF sections from an old rope and put them on the snack cabinet door at home, in my truck, and in my family car. Just a reminder that I should be eating and living life to ski those sections in the coming year. I ran lots of 38's this year in practice on many different sites, behind many different boats, with many different drivers. HOWEVER, it did not happen in a tournament! ARGH! Even ran a 38 in the familiarization practice round the evening before my last tournament of 2014.


Anyway, looking to knock down 38 in a tournament in 2015 and keep skiing with more rope in the boat!


What are your reminders this "off season" to eat right and live right for skiing in 2015?

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  • Baller_
My biggest reminder is right here on BOS. As I see others discuss technique, goals, and other achievements, I already know that my own progression is multi-faceted and is a combination of theory, time on the water, conditioning, and health. I can only get one of those here. The other three are up to me and are interdependent on each other.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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