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Horton 2014 - A year in Cell Phone Pictures


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With all the camera gear I own my cell phone does the best job of chronicling my life. Here is 2014

For me the ski year starts and ends with the Imperial Record. I do not know what is going in this pic but I look old.


Almost every year on the way to Imperial, Gallagher and I stop at the Salton Sea. It is North America's Greatest Man Made  Ecological Disaster. We are fascinated by the Sea and the devastation around it. Here is a picture of the Horton's house at Bombay Beach. I really hope we are not related.


Erika broke the record at Imperial. Yadda Yadda Yadda


A week or so after Imperial, Gallagher snapped her fibula playing tennis. Little did we know she was a week or two pregnant at the time.


The other thing that happened in November 2013 is we took ownership of our own lake house. Below is the street side.


The lake was dry and due to be dug out when we took the keys.


The inside of the house looked fine to me. Gallagher did not agree. 


With the help of Z Taylor Horton the inside soon looked like this.


Here is Gallagher and I at the Greenstone wedding in December


I do not remember this exact pepper but I am sure it hurt.


In the beginning it was more moving dirt around than actually digging


More piles of dirt


When I could get a way I went next door to SkiWest to get a ride from Chuck and the boys. This was December.


The painting took forever!


Starting to look like a lake again


Nice and flat on the bottom


May 1 2014 the lake was dug and the well was putting water in the lake 


OMG how long is this going to take?


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The Kitchen is almost done in this pic


Almost full!


Even my office at the lake house came together


Wow the day this thing showed up was exciting! We were ready to ski on my lake behind my new Carbon Pro!


We were very sad to lose our cat Cleo. She lived way more than 9 lives.


Never thought I would see the day


Never thought I would see the day x 10000


This is not even funny


June 20 2014 at 11:57 PM this happened

See the forum http://www.ballofspray.com/forum#/discussion/10923/if-your-wife-thinks-she-might-be-in-early-labor-do-you-still-go-to-the-lake-and-ski-a-tournament/p1







4th of July 2014


Buford's first ride in the trick boat




California ProAM 



With all this going on plus running BallOfSpray and holding down a real job I skied a little. I did not ski any tournaments between the 2013 Imperial Record and August 2014.

Then I had the best 3 months of tournaments of my adult life. I ran into 39 off at 6 out of 7 tournaments. For me that is a big deal.


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I learned something here that I didn't expect. No, not about keeping my back leg straight. I knew nothing about the Salton Sea and did some research from your post. Very interesting. Thanks.


It does look like a great year for you.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller_
Fernando is in no mans land right now, who knows where he will land or if he takes next year off to end up at Mercedes! If he ends up at McLaren he will reunite with the team he ended up getting fined $100M in 2007 as the whistle blower in that scandal, pretty amazing. Sad to watch Ferrari struggle so much these last few years.
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  • Baller

Cool pics Horton and thanks for sharing. I remember well when I was a medical resident having just had our first child (we sure took lotsa Hi-8 video), buying our first home with a single car garage, and modifying said garage not so it could fit a vehicle but rather our recently bought Centurion. We didn't live on a lake at the time, but were able to secure a cheap private lake membership.

Fantastic time of life as your pictures demonstrate. Skiing is cool, keep family #1.

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