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Skiing "Early"


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  • Baller

I always hate watching video, thinking man I was really early on those passes, then be humbled by video. Early is when you can double pump the handle like Mapple and so many other great pros.

That could be why they make money skiing and we talk about it...

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  • Baller_
I thought you were kidding when I first started watching considering he was at 15 off (maybe 22). But then he just kept maintaining that early line. Nice to see video of longer line skiing by a pro. Good to watch and learn from.
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  • Baller
@wish If you look closely that "air" at the wake is his edge change. He soften his knees and swings the ski under "com". When he lands he's on his inside edge. The location is the same at 15 as it is at 39. Pretty cool
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  • Baller
TW is crazy smooth! I tend to catch a bit of air at that 15/22 mark, I thought it was just me and bad position... Towards the end of our season here I was finally getting my "stack" dialed in and able to ski early which I have not done a whole lot and it threw me for a loop, it's what you want ideally, but when it was there it played mind games with me..... Wow I have tons of time to make this... Oh crap now I'm late. I was getting used to scrapping my way through all the time.
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  • Baller_
@DmaxJC_ski‌ watch this TW video..then again and again and again...and then 100 more times. Then slow it down frame by frame, study it, then do slow-mo. Then do that again all winter. Not often you get to see a pro demo 34mph at long line not to mention one of THE best technical skiers on the planet.
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  • Baller
I think I've watched just about every video by every pro on the internet that is available, I def will be studying these latest few of TW, he is one of the first I started studying when I decided to take up the course again at 35yrs old, spent a considerable amount of time over 3 days in Calgary with TW just shootin the breeze, talk about a down to earth guy ! Would live to rip a few coaching sets with him. Stish and Rossi have some 34 mph stuff out there too
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  • Baller
@Wish‌ you are so right. I only wish this kinda stuff was available 40-years ago. If you didn't ski in Florida or Calif and watch a top skier behind the boat everyday, you had to figure it out on your own. I skied for years and didn't even know they had tournaments to ski in, let alone professionals. Such an advantage today.
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  • Baller
@wish, @A_B, a very interesting interview with Corey Vaughn can be found at www.skiall6.com site that goes perfectly with this video. A good read , highly suggested. Can be found through Interview bar on left side of home page.
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  • Baller
Thanks for adding input @mike_mapple‌ . It always looked to me he was way up course and was just trying to buy some time, but in reality he is letting the ski runout wider by getting off his turn edge, correct? I don't know that I am ever early enough to do that, my narrow is usually accompanied by late!
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