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Non-pro Baller you'd like to talk skiing with over a beer (or Kilo Kai)


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  • Baller

I've met and skied with or had a beer with a good number of Ballers so they are excluded. Of those I have not met...there are a number I would like to meet and hang out with, and hope to do so one day. There are also others unknown to me that I'm sure are great people and I hope to meet them one day as well.


The charge was, however, to pick only one. I would like to kick back a brew with @brady one day. I'm guessing he is a thick-necked, straight-shooting, politically incorrect burly dude addicted to the sport who busts his butt at work as well. Have not met him...just my impression.

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  • Baller

@6balls…For the longest time, I had thought of starting this very thread as well. BoS has been very good to me and I've had the opportunity to meet and ski with Ballers from both coasts and in between at various sites.


My comment on @Taelan28 was more in jest…though I did love some of the stuff that dude would post. I think I'd put @Brady in my list of guys to have a beer (or twelve) with for sure. Hope to one day make it to his Lake Powell houseboat expedition if he's still offering some October when I can get free!

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I don't know if any of the stories are true but @Shane is pretty entertaining


In college we always took @dirt to parties just to listen to his wacky stories. It was fun then. Now i have to hear embellished stories about myself. (Dude she was never going to do you. I had nothing to do with it)

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  • Baller
Yikes is that a compliment? Anyone remember that chick in Raiders of the Lost Arc? She drinks with Belloq til he's hammered then tricks him...I think by the end of the night I don't sign the boat over to @swc5150...I end up with his ski equipment, a lake house, and still have the boat.
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  • Baller
I'd like to grab a brew with @Than_Bogan and @SkiJay, off the top of my head. I always like reading what they have to post about technique. I'm sure we could come up with the solutions to all the slalom world's ski problems after a few.
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  • Baller

Well, @6balls, @A_B, @Skoot1123 and @SkiJay and I did get together and have a few beers last month after a ski trip in Utah. I believe we have a pretty good picture of the festivities afterwards. Other than the six handles we broke, we had a great time! I am the one in Pink!



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  • Baller
@brady no my onside is the issue...classic fat-man over turn where my center of mass...where ever the hell that is...gets wake side on approach to the ball. I drag the boat down despite ZO to like 14 mph and bury myself like an anchor at the ball then try to hang on for all my chubby little fingers are worth as the boat attempts to re-establish 34 mph. Usually the rope breaks or the spotter/judge is drilled by the handle. Cool thing is I get lots of re-rides for boat path deviation at the record tourneys my fat-@ss frequents.
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  • Baller_

The 2006 ski test took place at @skidawgs Wards Pond and @JD Cottonwood. Up until that point I had only known most of these guys via the Waterski forum and from meeting a few at Nats and other events. Friday night we all at @skidawgs house telling stories.

@skidawg @Horton @MrJones @Greenwood @JD @Butterfield @skiep @teammalibu @Baird All telling some of the best College skiing stories ever. Definitely a top 5 night.

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@oldjeep Yes, yes it was good to stop and talk with you over lunch. If the slopes weren't calling, I'm sure more stories and lengthy conversations would have take place. Possibly leading to some beer. Was nice to meet you.

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