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Texas ski school recommendations


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  • Baller
Or Oklahoma but I'm not finding anything here. I'm going to try the course this year as there is supposedly one on my home lake. I'd also like to spend a week at a ski school somewhere fairly close. I'm a course newbie, only freestyled to this point but ready to take it to "my" next level. I see there are a few schools in Texas. For the beginning course skier, give me recommendations on what you feel is best. It will just be me most likely so I don't need stellar accommodations. I would like to drink a few beers after the days skiing and either eat somewhere close or be able to cook/grill/smoke my own food. I've just gotten back into slaloming over this past summer. I'm 45 yrs old, fairly athletic and looking for my next challenge. You are the experts, give me some recommendations. Or, invite me to ski with you and I'll cook, bring beer and listen to what you have to say!
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  • Baller
Surprisingly, there really aren't many traditional ski schools in Texas. (By traditional, I mean the ones where you stay on site or nearby, and ski 2-4 sets per day for a week.) Trent is definitely an excellent coach who resides just south of Austin. He typically does lessons at the skier's lake. So, you will have to discuss options for being a guest on someone else's water.
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  • Baller
Thanks folks. I'm leaning toward DFW. It's quite close. I was thinking about lodging in a hotel close by but I'm almost tempted to stay onsite. I now realize I have a LONG way to go after reading about technique and watching videos on here. LOTS I'm doing wrong. I'm going to work on basics, post videos etc. for most of next summer then schedule a week maybe mid to late September to head to Texas. Should still be plenty warm then plus all the kids will be back in school.
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  • Baller
@gt2003 Don't waste all summer before you go to ski school. They can short circuit the work you need to do, so you are working on the right techniques all summer. Don't think you need to go for a week, a couple of days at the beginning of the summer to get you off on the right foot.
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I usually just stay at Hampton Inn in Greenville. It's like 15 min from DFW Ski school. Don't wait till Sept.. Alan may be closed down by then.. Usually get three sets in per day.. I would say you'll be spent after two days of hard skiing... I hope to get down there in June
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  • Baller
Well, I'm not taking away anything from any coaches. I'm pretty sure almost anyone could help me since I've never been in a course before. Alan is a little less than 4 hours from the house so his school is very convenient. Trust me, if I'm traveling around any other times during ski season, I'll be asking for recommendations. I'm hoping to make it a little further south this summer and ski with @skihard too, and maybe at some ski lakes around Tulsa, OKC and around Fayetteville and wherever else I might be for a short period of time.
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  • Baller
I took lessons from Trent L. two seasons ago (I'm 14 now). He helped me get my 30 mph pass down and got me into 32 mph. He is a very great coach and has an awesome way of explaining things. Take any opportunity you have to take lessons with him. Things that he said just clicked with me and helped set the ground for more improvement. I hope I helped :)
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@gt2003 2-day school in June, you made an excellent choice to go early rather than later (IMO). Another weekend at the end of season could be beneficial as well. The only thing I would like to add is...

Keep in mind it is ski SCHOOL, take notes and lots of them... video, audio, pencil and paper, whatever.

You will return from Dallas with a ton of entirely new info and insight, store it somewhere for reference.


Some concepts and/or instruction may sound too advanced or even ridiculously crazy and then you get to that point in your skiing sometime later this summer and you say to yourself "What did Alan say about that?"

just my 2-cents Have Fun!

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