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How do you deal with spring soreness.??


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  • Baller_
So it's been a couple decades or so (lived in S. Canada) since I took this much time off the water here in FL (back issues). Have not chased a ball since the 1st of Nov until this week. I skied MWF this week in the mornings. I am so frign sore. Getting pulled up out of the water is the worst. So how do you deal with this?. Diet..Stretching...Pills...Rest. Whats the silver bullet or combination?
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  • Baller_

Protein diet, stretching before and after, some do roller work on the affected muscles, some rest helps. It should be basically gone in 3 to 5 days. I found, when starting back, I could ski 2 to 3 days in a row and then needed 2 to 3 days off. After that, I was ready for regular frequency and intensity.


I am doing some research on creatine in preparation for this season. I'm not sure if I will try it yet, but considering it.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Muscle care roll on. Tylenol, stretch. I know I tell myself every year, I'm going to take it easy first time out, and it feels good so I ski like an idiot and I don't know about most but I get so bloody sore I can hardly even pick up a glass of water, and try to go to work like that. Usually last 7-10 days then I'm good for the year.
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  • Baller
I ease into it, usually starting the season one length longer than my opener, and only take 4 passes on the first couple of days, then give it a few days off, and then start to ramp it up. I still get sore, but not the unable to move level of sore.
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  • Baller
Agree with all. Your body just isn't used to it yet. It's easy to say I'm going to take it easy this year. But, after waiting all winter, probably ain't gonna happen. So, take it easy if you can control yourself. Otherwise, stretch, aspirin, rest etc. It will wear off soon. Glad you are back on the water.
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  • Baller
Hmmm...spring soreness...all I know is that it hurts more and lasts longer every spring as I get older....to make things worse, I also start later in the spring and hang it up earlier in the fall each year...guess you quit when it doesn't get better in time for the end of the season....;-)
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  • Baller
Keep as warm as possible while skiing. I will be hitting the water soon in PA and OH. I will wear my drysuit until the water gets into the 60's before switching to a full wetsuit. I don't make the switch to a vest and wetsuit shorts until the water hits 70 degrees. I have the baggy style Eagle Sports Drysuit. I wear a t shirt, a thin sweatshirt, and sweatpants underneath. I wear a regular nylon vest on the outside. It is like skiing with a parachute on, but good for early spring conditioning. I am sore for the first couple of weeks. I free ski for the first few times out. I have not skied since October. I have been doing the Insanity workout all winter with some of the P90x workouts. It will be interesting to see how fast I get back into skiing shape.
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  • Baller
Dont go too hard after time off. Ease into it and ski through it. If you take 3 sets your first day out you will need a week off. Once you are sore rollers are awesome and as we get older even more awesome. You can also take a lacrosse ball and lean back on a wall with it between you and the wall. You can get it right on the tight spots we all get in our shoulders and upper back. Advil helps too.
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  • Baller

I'm in FL now too but took about 7 weeks off end of Dec and Jan. 3.5 weeks traveling then other issues. Found 1 set a day, 6 passes, opener and next line only, 5-6 days a week worked best. Usually felt better after I skied than before. Stretch before and after plus spend time warming up (jumping jacks, push ups, no weight squats, lunges, little of each). Keep hot, rubber up. Particularly your back. Worked for my old body. Still got a bit sore/stiff but not too bad.


The 19 year old came back from school and hopped on skis for the first time in months. Was complaining about being sore. He has no idea, in about 35 years he will.....

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  • Baller
Welcome to the life of a northerner! Use advil at night. Ski again as soon as possible that will really help. Remember your skiing for your body right now. Use a line that is VERY easy for you. Let the body heal, you will know when it's time to rip..
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  • Baller_
So after skiing every other day for a week, the soreness is way down and almost gone. Feeling much better. Guess I haven't taken that much time off in some time and forgot that it eventually goes away. Thanks for the advice. Not over doing it and every other day seems to have done the trick. I like the idea of taking care of the knots via message. And the iceing....over Crown Royal.
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