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How much waterskiing is good for me/you?

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Hello everyone,


I’m 44yo, 5’8’’ (174cm), 150lb (68kg). Just started waterskiing 4 years ago at the age of 40. My first year, getting up on one ski was a challenge, but I progressed, as follows:


2011 skied 25 times - completed the slalom course

2012 skied 100 times - completed the course @34mph (55km)

2013 skied 160 times - made 28 off (14m)

2014 skied 140 times - PB 3,5@32 (13m) & 4@28 in competition

(I never ski more than one set/day)


My waterski progress incentivized me to eat healthier, sleep longer, and exercise daily. I had two minor injuries in 2014 (whiplash and sprained ankle) which set me back a bit, but I want to continue my progress.


On the off season, I workout everyday for 60-80 minutes (a mix of bicycling, circuit training, HIIT, alpine skiing, walking).

Weather allowing, I waterski once a week. During season (May-Oct) I waterski 4 times per week.


What is the ideal training frequency for waterskiing, for both on and off season for someone like me?



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  • Baller
It sounds like you have the opportunity to ski frequently. All I would say is listen to your body. If you are continually tired and sore and not making progress, take a few days off. Your body will let you know how much is too much.
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  • Baller_
I don't keep track, but I'd guess I ski 150+/- sets per year. I am 58, usually ski one set a day, and ski daily May through mid October, with days off pretty much only for wind and rain, plus Florida in winter/spring.


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  • Baller
I'm 61 and "quick math" probably 100 sets/year..April - October. Never mind what my body "tells" me...as my friend @Lpskier will tell you, my performances clearly show it's not enough...interestingly, I also started to ski at age 40. Don't remember where i was at 44 but I'm sure not quite where you are...Congrats!
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  • Baller

I take 6-8 sets a week in season, usually on 3 days so 2-3 sets/day. I would like to spread it out more but it's a long drive to the lake. Less than 6 I feel it's hard to maintain the fitness level. Much more and my body starts to feel pretty beat, especially if I am going up the rope.


I hardly cross train in season but think I should. I will try to step that up this summer.


Listen to your body and train smart. If I am tired I stay at longer lines and work on basic things.

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