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67" Or 68"


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  • Baller
I've been on a 68 Phantom for 14 seasons, and a 68 VTX for 5 seasons before that. I'm getting ready to order a V-type. I'm 55yrs old, weigh 170 and am 6'2". My typical set is -15/32, -15/34, -22/34, -28/34 and a few goes at -32/34. The HO sizing chart says 67". I've been comfortable on and like the feel of my 68's. I'll probably have this ski for 10+ years, when I'll move to mens 6 @32mph. Question is 67 or 68?
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  • Baller

For your weight, I'm with @Horton. I wouldn't even question it. I'm 6'2 190, 195 right now because I'm just now back on my feet, again . I've been asking myself the same question lately. I run a 67 at 34mph and love it. I don't think I need more ski, but just wonder if there is performance I'm missing out on. I used to run 66 when I was around 175-180.

I'm just now trying to get back in my -28 pass. That just seems like a lot of ski to turn.

You guys think I SHOULD be on a 68?

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  • Baller
+1 for @Horton. At 170 lbs. skiing at 34 mph, I cannot help but think 68" is too much ski. This is based on my recent experience. I too am 55 and I run roughly the same speed and rope lengths as you. I lost a bunch of weight over the winter, and I'm holding steady at 188 - 190 lbs. The only problem was that my 68" ski was suddenly too long, so -- gosh darnit -- I just HAD to buy a new 67" Lithium Vapor. Much better match for my new weight.
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  • Baller

Same question here, Ive been skiing on a 2013 A3 Syndicate 68" for the last 5 years, before that on a KD 7000 67", but had serveral over the front falls after I returned skiing 6 years ago, a friend recomended a 68" to help this problem.



Now I usually run 22/36, 2x 28/36 and 2x 32/36 and have run a couple of times -35/36. Some times when Im not feeling 100% I ski at 34 mph.

I weight around 185 lbs, and 6 feet tall.

I tried my brother´s 2017 Vapor Pro and it felt very good, but another friend recomended to go back to 67".


So 67" or 68"?

Thanks for your opinions

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  • Baller
I'm 6'2" and moved to a 68" about 25 years ago after 10+ years on 67's. A couple years ago I tried a few different 67's for a season and a half and could not get comfortable. Last year I went back to a 68 and will be sticking with it.
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  • Baller_

@ALPJr don't listen to Horton. The rules of thumb are


1) if you are on the border of the size chart, go bigger

2) plus 1 to @Andre - you want the biggest ski you can turn. With today's skis and knowledge of fin/binding tuning, bigger is definitely better.

3) If possible, try both sizes. The shorter may be more nimble, but usually the bigger ski provides more margin for mistakes and is overall easier on the body (especially for seasoned citizens)


I'm 190 lbs, and out of all the skis I've tried in the last 20 years, there has been only 1 68 that was "too big" and I went back to a 66.5. I can still make a 67 work, but as the saying goes "I'm getting too old for this crap"

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Thanks everyone for your info, I think Ill need to try both.

I think I’m more than able to turn a big ski, sometimes I over turn...or dig the tip to much.. but for short line I do not know if its better to do a carving turn instead of a smearing turn...and I think a smaller ski might be better for this... I also some times feel fast at the ball but do not know if a smaller ski would help here. Probably I feel fast because I stopped pulling too early... still very confused….


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