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Combining L and C in the same tournament?


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  • Baller

Keith, I hate to disagree with you. But deep in the archives of the rule book (Rule 5.007) it says mixed class scores are allowed, except on the 4th Saturday in June at the site of the previous years nationals and the skier is a Canadian.


Jeff Lindsey


Keith give me a call when you can.

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  • Baller
@kfennell. What benefit are you getting by skiing the class L slalom?? The only real benefit is that the reduction is less if you have less than three scores on the rankings lists. Save the money and ski class c.
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  • Baller
@klindy. Is it not the case that it really does not matter which round you ski in. In a three event multi round tournament. If you only ski each event one time but slalom in round 1. Trick in round 2 and jump in round 3 you should still get a overall score. I think all the scores are supposed to be lined up. First jump first slalom first trick should all be first overall score. I know that most times it does not score this way but I remember seeing that in a rule book someplace. If you suck your first round slalom and put up a big score in slalom the second round......you are not supposed to skip first round trick and ski second round. The first time in each event goes to your overall score regardless of the round it was performed in... I THINK...... You don't always see it that why but it might be something that needs to be looked at in the scoring software.
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  • Baller
@ntx is correct. I guess I wasn't clear about what "in the same round" meant. But @ntx has it right. The first time you ski is round 1. Second time you ski is round 2. Regardless of what "round" the tournament calls it.
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  • Baller
@ToddL I may have misspoke. My comment was based on the tournament from a year or so ago where the class C slalom was on the jump lake and the class L was on lake 3. Not sure what is actually going to happen this weekend.
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