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2015 Centurion BallOfSpray Cash Prize


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BallOfSpray is proud to announce the inaugural Centurion BallOfSpray Cash Prize tournament. The event will take place at Aquaplex in Austin, TX on October 10th and 11th. Competitive skiers of all levels will compete for $6,000 in prize money. After two rounds of qualifying the top 16 skiers will compete in a head to head format for $3,000 and the remaining skiers will compete in a single handicapped round for $3,000.


Specific tournament rules

  • All scores will go into the USAWS official score book. Saturday as Class L and Sunday as Class C

  • All scores will also go into a separate Score Book to accommodate the rules of the event

  • To be eligible for the handicap round, a skier must have scores from 5 or more different USAWS tournaments between 9/17/14 and 9/17/15

  • All scores will be entered into the Cash Prize Score Book without regard to boat speed. The values for 34 MPH scores will be used for 36 mph and 32 mph skiers. Example: 4 @38 off = 100 buoys at 34mph and at 36 mph

  • Any male skier who has ever been ranked in the top ten of the IWSF Elite List or the IWSF Ranking List will be required to ski at 36 mph

  • Handles will be checked at dock after skiing. If your handle becomes out of tolerance, your score will zeroed


The entry fee is $200

Entry Limit 40 skiers


Send entries to

John Horton

2412 Lomita Verde Drive

Bakersfield CA



Make entry fee checks out to BallOfSpray





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A few explanations:

I designed this event with the hope that it would appeal to both the elite 34 mph skier and the local tournament skier. After the first two round the guys who run into 39 and 41 will go on to do their thing in the head to head. The 24 guys that are left will all be chasing the same amount of cash in the handicap round. I am sure this format does not appeal to everyone but I believe it will be fun for a wider variety of skiers than any current option.


What about 36 mph skiers? All scores go into the USAWS score book normally. For the cash prize scoring all scores will be recorded as if the boat speed is 34 mph. So if Nate Smith shows up and runs 1 @ 43 at 36 mph and Ward McLain runs 1 @ 43 at 34mph it will be a tie. The Pros are welcome but it is not going to be easy.


What about the past pros who now ski 34 mph? I added the following rule to ensure the event will not be dominated by past pro skiers “Any male skier who has ever been ranked in the top ten of the IWSF Elite List or the IWSF Ranking List will be required to ski at 36 mph”.


Sportsman like conduct? I did not put this in the announcement but I will add some text to the final rules that basically states that this event will have a very low tolerance for un-sportsman like conduct.


I am sure there will be questions and additional rules written between now and October 17.


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  • Baller
I feel like 36 mph skiers will have an unfair disadvantage. These tournaments being catered towards 34 mph skiers strike me as odd but whatever, they're the majority of the skiing population it seems. And God forbid a pro shows up and rains on anyone'a parade.. making a retired pro ski at 36 and then scoring him for 34 is just trying to knock him down
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  • Baller
@drewski - host your own pro event. Then, you can compare notes. The whole point of this event is to crown a "king of the pond" - similar to what the Big Dawg used to be. Not be another "Senior PGA" type event that gives former professionals a venue to compete. At least, that is my understanding.
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@drewski32 if the entries work out the way I expect you would need to be an elite pro level skier to make the top 16 at 36 mph. If that is true then most 36 skiers falls into the handicap final and will have no disadvantage.The scoring equalizers everyone.
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Great idea! Not every format is ideal for every skier, but it's great to see people actually trying things out!


I doubt I have even a 5% chance of making it, but it's not quite zero. That time of year is sorta plausible.

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So to be clear it is 2 rounds on saturday class C, and 1 round sunday class C. Sunday you will either be in the top 16 and head to head, or you will be one of the 24 going for the handicap win for $3k? Will your handicap be vs your top 5 or your top 2?
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Handicap will in be based on previous 5 tournament scores & scores from qualifying rounds*. Handicaps will then be weighted. I will publish/clarify some more details asap. Bottom line is to make is as fair and equal as possible.


Someone will love my method & someone will hate it. I just have to do what I think is most fair.


*I will average 3 high scores from the 7 available

** I reserve the right to tweak this between now and October

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  • Baller
I like it. Please consider having one in the Northeast next year. Hartford has a couple locations that drew nice sized crowds for the pro tour back in the 90's. Saw Roberge win slalom (over Mapple) and jump in Batterson Park in 98. Well more than a 1,000 spectators on hand. There's also a few nice private ponds which are a little more remote.
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  • Baller
We're really pumped to host this event at Aquaplex. Look forward to seeing everyone. Will be a blast to get everyone together. Bailey and I will mail our entries as soon as we get back from U21's in Spain. It's gonna fill up fast.
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  • Baller
We certainly tried to avoid that weekend, but the two previous weekends were ACL's music festival and the following weekend was Formula 1. Austin has gotten pretty popular. Add UT football games to that mix and this city stays busy.
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@MattP yes there is if the skiers have wives and children. Part of my evil plan is to make events friendly to non-skiing family members
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