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Milestone for my daughter


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  • Gold Member

My older daughter, now 14, has only ever been "mildly interested" in skiing, but today she hit a huge milestone that I bet a lot of us still remember: The first time around all 6 buoys!


She was at 17mph, long-line, on 2 skis, and not yet doing the entrance gate. She was pretty excited, and maybe even more so because the last time out she just barely made it between 1 and 2.


I got a kick out of her driving her fist into the air at the exit gate. She's not usually very demonstrative.


Btw, it's funny how fast she looked in the rear view mirror pushing those two skis as hard as she could. Looking forward, 17mph seemed incredibly slow. Looking in the mirror, it looked like she was flying out there.

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  • Gold Member
Thanks all. @Luzz Will be interesting to see. She has the potential to get very obsessed with something that is so measurable (no clue where she got THAT :smile: ). But sometimes she's also very comfortable to just do an activity occasionally and not care about improvement.
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  • Gold Member

Update: She wanted to get out with the remaining time after we got back from a Maine weekend. So for now the smart money seems to be on "obsessed"... She added the gate and did a "tournament legal" 28kph (17ish mph). She was very excited and she also tried 31kph (19ish mph) quite a few times, getting at least 4 consecutive buoys at one point.


One of her friends got up for the first time, so that was very cool too.


Only problem is: I don't have time for this :smile: .

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  • Baller
Sorry @Than_Bogan , you have to make time for it, including friends. I did that for my kids, best thing I ever did in my life! They still like to hang out at the lake with me!

Mike's Overall Binding

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  • Baller

That is awesome! To join in my 10 year old started crossing wakes yesterday and even accidentally rode on one ski for a few feet before face planting.


It is amazing how much change there has been in one month going from several tries to get up, to the crouched down super concentration face, to know right up with no help, great form, smiles, wake crossings and the required look of shock over almost losing it or extra speed.

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