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Hi ballers,


I am looking for some advice on a new ski. I am 6'2" 170lbs. I purely free ski 15 off @ 32mph. I would say I am an intermediate/advanced skier still working on tweaking my form. Also I am currently on a 2007 Connelly Concept.


My budget is $700

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  • Baller_
How about a new 68" Connelly Concept? It sounds like a good ski for you. $360. If you want a little more ski, try the Connelly V ($399) or even the Carbon V. I ski on a 68" GT ($1299), but I spent the winter skiing 30 mph on a 67" Connelly Aspect ($299). I wouldn't recommend it for 32 mph, but I ran -35@30 mph on it. H2oProShop.com has the '15 Carbon V blank at $799, but the '14 is at $549. http://www.h2oproshop.com/slalom-skis.html They may offer some promotion pricing at Nationals. If I notice any deals, I'll post them for you.


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@Ipskier Thanks for the head up on the '14 Carbon V I will take a strong look at that! Do you know if there is any difference between the '14 and '15 other than graphics?

@gregy I have been looking at the Senates for awhile now, do you know what the main difference is between the Graphite and Alloy versions are? Would one be better suited for my skiing profile over the other?

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  • Baller

Graphite has 100% graphite laminates and alloy has a combination of Graphite and fiberglass. Both have the same core which Radar calls Aerocore. Radar has a lithium version which would have a lighter PVC core. I've heard they're all good the fiberglass would probably add some dampening.


@Horton s review.



If you on a budget checkout www.ski-it-again.com Also should be some good deals on new skis this time of year.

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  • Baller
The Senates and I believe the Carbon-V are wider so stick with a 67" If you went to the next level of a Vapor, Connelly GT, HO V-type etc there could be an argument made to go to 68" since your skiing at 32mph. But really at 170lb you don't need it and would most likely be better staying with a Senate or CarbonV. I'm biased to the Radar I'm on a Vapor its just so easy to ride. The Senate is .2" wider but the same shape as a Vapor so I think it would be even more stable of a ski.
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  • Baller
I rode the V from Connelly at SkiFluid in Fla. in the spring of 2011 the year it came out , with no graphics on it. I had to ask Scot what it was ... LOVE the ski. Super easy to progress on , good angle and lots of speed. Oh and it was the non carbon since it was not introduced until the following year. Great choice if you want to stay with the Connelly brand IMO.
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