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Anyone have magnets collecting dust??


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  • Baller_
So I do not have any spares and somehow have lost 2 off the course. I used all my spares rebuilding when the course was distroyed by vandels last yr..or 2yrs now I guess. Anyway, I need some. I'd like to have spares as well so whatever you have I'd like to pick up. Thanks!!! Just PM me.
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  • Baller
@Wish Go buy some 3" ceramic donut magnets at a surplus store. Are used to test pace makers. Were about a buck apiece. Safety tie to underside of buoy using tie loop. I have a bunch but not sure how to ship as are considered hazmat. You can have them. You skied them and didn't even know they were there did you?
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  • Baller

@DW Been over 10 years since I had to buy any. Was just a local Navy surplus in Minneapolis area.

On magnet it says Card Guard, Scientific Survival Ltd., Cat#331257. Are 2 3/4" X 1/2" Center hole 1" across. Use a small compass to determine N or S.bj3svbu1dpxw.jpg


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  • Baller

PP does not care which pole is up as long as all are same way. All N up or all S up. These worked for me for over 10 years. I cover magnets with duct tape to protect boat from possible scratches but never hit them with boat or ski. Strength of these was way overkill that close to surface. You could probably get strong button magnets to work if you could find a way to adhere them to bottom of ball..


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  • Baller_
BOS comes through again. Not only was I able to pick up some magnets locally but made a friend with a great guy that has so much history in this sport. Including being part of a certain WR ski fly jump. Could have talked to him for hours. Thanks BOS!!!
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  • Baller_
@Onside135 Yeeeeup.. Amazing insite on Freddie's jump as well as the history of the local FL ski scenes back in the day. Even got to see some photos from waaaay back. Great guy. Was going to see him again at the next tournament but it has been canceled. Will certainly look him up at whatever local tournament I'm at including next years Masters.
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