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Toe plate vs double boot

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  • Baller
I spent one season on double boot. Then switched to RTP the following season and this morning I switched back to double boot which is where I think I'll stay. My foot started slipping out of RTP as my skiing improved plus I get overall better support with double boot. But a RTP is just so much more comfortable and convenient.
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  • Baller
But still not sure....novice class skier with 40 years on open water and rtp....switched to double boots a year ago...couldn't cut offside for crap...got used to it finally but just switched back to rtp. Feels totally awkward again. Seems like what you've gotten used to will work.
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  • Baller
I use a Dakine kite board foot strap as a heal piece to hold my foot in and keep it from slipping out. I have been using it for about 6 seasons. To date is has been a life (ok maybe season) saver for me. You have to get up with two feet in though.
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  • Supporting Member
I think it's pure personal preference. I encountered some dangerous-seeming situations with my foot coming out about 20 years ago, and have been dual-boot ever since. With the OB4 binding technology allowing release in rotation, the door is reopened to me using RTP or "R" style someday, but at the moment I have no plans to do so.
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  • Baller
Hip problems forced me to go back to a toe plate after using various double boot setups for many years. The driving factor was really just getting up which is much easier in the toe plate. I then discovered I have no issues with control, slippage, etc. so there. Absolutely a personal preference.
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  • Baller
Used the double boot since I was 16 (now 48). I switched to the R-style at the beginning of last year with out problem. I love it, same control I got from the double boot with the release of a kicker.
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  • Baller

I have used double boots since I was 14. I moved to the R-style this summer and love it. I've been running it looser and looser. Bought an ARTP last week and rode it yesterday. It seriously took me 3 tries to get out of the water. It's a different animal for sure, but other than embarrassing starts, no problems. The feeling is different enough that I'll try a fixed RTP, today just to decide if messing with the rear toe should be an off-season adjustment. I don't think I'll be sticking with the ARTP, I do feel that much from one set.

I really like the freedom it allows to keep weight on the front foot, especially the offside preturn, but I'm thinking the loose R-style is the answer.

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  • Baller

As much as people talk about RTP's, I'm surprised how many double booters there are.


I learned on a RTP and got injured so it scared me to double boots. Double seemed like the cool thing to do and felt like it'd be safer but I always hated getting up with double boots. Got hurt on double boots twice and went back to RTP and a Reflex. Switching between the two was easy IMO. Felt naked going back to RTP at first but only before and after the course. In the middle of the course, I couldn't tell a difference. Granted I use a Radar ARTP with the heel cup...I can't do the flat skid tape. My foot doesn't feel secure.

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  • Baller
After my first slalom ski I have always used double boots and feel comfortable on them. Never really had a reason to try the RTP again. I also like the feeling of having both feet "locked in/down". When I had a RTP on my first ski, I always had my back foot in so it was a easy and natural transition to doubles.
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