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How many 41s is it now?


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  • Baller
So if Mapple (or someone else in the future) were to have run 43 at 34 in a tournament, would they increase the boat speed to 36 or just call it a day? Would he have had the option to continue just for grins? My guess is no, but one would have to be tempted.
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  • Baller

I seem to recall an interview with Mapple long ago when he had the record at 41 off and he was asked about attempting 41 in practice. His answer was he rarely attempts it in practice, he just makes sure he can run 39 in any conditions...cuz if he runs 39 he wins every tournament. This was at a time when no one else was running 39's. I seem to recall he was just about as dominant then at Nate is now.


I feel a little bad for any awesome skier whose career overlaps Nate, kind of like Cox parallel with Mapple. If Andy wasn't there during Wade's career? Holy crap Wade would have killed it. The best skier of his generation not named Andy Mapple.

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  • Baller
Not to mention that back in the 80s and 90s, the pro tour took them to bad places. Mapple and Rogers would occasionally go to Trophy Lakes or some place with good water. But they didnt have the sheer number of tournaments at places like Trophy, Ski Ranch, Lymanland, Pickos, etc where the conditions were primo. I saw Mapple run 3@41 on the river north of Austin in stupid conditions........ 5 mph current and rollers like you'd see in the North Sea.
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  • Baller

@Texas6. Town Lake (a.k.a. Ladybird Lake) was the site of the Austin Aquafestival for many years, which included major concerts, day events, boat parades, etc. and sometimes included a local tournament. The tournament had a novice division and drew quite an interesting crowd of newbies. There are stories of skiers showing up for their first attempt at buoys and demanding 40 mph and that blue section because that's how they free skied.


Anyway, bulkhead shorelines created rollers so it wasn't ideal water. But it is perfectly located in the city for a festival.




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  • Baller
@ToddL they also had the pro tour on Town lake. I made my parents take me to it when it came through. We had a college tournament there once while I was in school around 85 or 86. I remember there was a big rain right before the tournament tons of crude in the water, we had to keep stopping to clean the water pickups due to boats over heating.
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  • Baller

I skied a challenge the pros the day before the pro event on keller lake in st. paul. They pulled you up away from the course, did a tight turn around in about 2 feet of water all mud and lilly pads..."stay behind the boat" was the command.

After the turn it was on the juice hard to get speed and a right turn into the course so you basically swung out on your gate pull-out.

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  • Baller

You can add Corey Vaughn to the list (well the "ran it in a run off list). He tied Joel Howley with 4@41 so we ran them off. Corey went out first and ran 39 then 41 and ended up with 1@43.


He got into 41 3 out of 4 rounds this weekend as did Joel. Actually good skiing from all the skiers in very challenging conditions!

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  • Baller

Noting the comments before, from a while ago. Jamie did run 2 @ 43, with an amazing recovery

at #2 to make it back to the wake. He would have been the sole record-holder if it had gone

through, exceeding Parrish's 1 1/2. I've seen the boat video, so there was boat video. What was

lacking was centerline video. I could never get a straight answer as to what was the problem,

or if there was even centerline video done at all.


That was the Malibu Open 2007 en France. Malibu did not return the next year, or any year

after that. 2008 Malibu Open was at Pontiac, Michigan, on a bit of an open site. Done in

conjunction with boat races. Great idea to put both together in one event for the "Quake on

the Lake". There were some tough conditions in Friday qualifying, but it cleared up for the

weekend. The Sunday Finals were over by mid-morning, so the boat races could commence.

Likely a "record" of sorts for the earliest tournament finish ever.

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  • Baller
The Quake on the Lake was a cool event unfortunately the lake is less than ideal for skiing, I lived close and got to see some of the action. it's ashame that they can't continue these year after year and build some momentum....but hopefully someone will find a good format/combination that works.... and get several good sponsors!
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@Razorskier1 you are correct. I can't remember the exact number of times that Nate has run 41 but it is more then everyone else combined.


It's crazy the confidence he has at that and every pass. I've pulled him through it maybe 5 times and have seen him run it 6 times behind 5 different drivers in 1 week and 2 of those were tournament rounds.

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