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  • Baller
Proud to announce that @TWB knocked down -35 tonight. After getting to 5 ball numerous times this summer he finally turned it in good shape and made the pass! To top it off it was our first night in drysuits. The main reason, of course, was the superior driving he received.
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  • Baller

Thank you everyone.


@bassfooter As important as technique becomes at the shorter line lengths, the biggest hurdle for me was a mental one. At 28 off and even 32 off, I'm use to initiating the turn well in front of the ball and back siding it. That just doesn't happen at 35 off (at least for me). Because I'm further down course at the apex of the turn, I now have the perception of being late causing me to lose patience and rush the turn. I need to remind myself coming into the ball that I'm not late, the ball is just in a different spot relative to the apex of my turn at that line length. That helps me be patient, get my hips forward with a good reach (like Chris Parrish says, the belly button and the reach should be in the same direction) and turn with proper form. So, to make it simple, what I'm trying to say is, turn like you do at 28 off, even though the ball may have already gone by. I've said that to @dbski countless times getting into the boat after forcing the ski to turn as 4 ball (my off side) goes by.


The biggest technique improvement that helped me was handle control. After I ran the pass, I reviewed it in my mind and can remember arching my back, tucking it into the handle with it actually touching my abdomen as I was doing my work behind the boat. That stacked position and bent knees also helped me negotiate the wake trough which was a challenge for me at 35 off.


@h2o.nhk I did run 1@38

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