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2016 Nationals Aug 8-13 in Idaho


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  • Baller

2 lakes about 2300' long X 260' wide. Photo is from Google Earth, back on April 29th. East is "up" in the view. Note a jump ramp at the North end of the lake. Altitude is 2350', so probably not a boat power problem. Would be a first-ever Nationals in Idaho, or anywhere near. Seattle, site of the 1972 Nationals, is about 380 miles away.

Boise airport is about 30 miles away, with service via several major airlines, and fullsize jets, not prop jobs or similar.


Weather in the mid-August time: highs in the high 80's, even 90+ or 100. For August 2015, see:






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  • Baller
This is very exciting. I expect more skiers to fly into this location compared to other Nationals, it would be nice of AWSA to work with the airlines and Boise airport in regards to equipment. For example, work with Southwest Airlines as far as education, awareness, and hopefully protection of the skiers equipment, as they could be seeing a lot at once. This comes from my experience leaving Ft Lauderdale after the end of this past Nationals, and them having to look up waterskis, stating they hadn't seen anything like it before, which is hard to believe. Preservation of equipment is my number 1 concern on traveling to Nationals.
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I think it is good for the sport to get out of Florida. For anyone who does not already live in Florida going to the east cost year after year is a bummer. I suspect attendance will not be great in Idaho but if we could embrace moving the event around it would be a good thing.
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  • Baller

Boise is actually a neat little city. State Capitol and college town with Boise State University (22K students), solid tech presence with HP and Micron driving that. Metro area 600K+ population so stuff going on. Interstate goes right through it and has a real airport with major airlines. Early August in the North West is awesome, right in the middle of the two great months that make up for the other 10 months of crap.

So no good reason not to go due to geography. I figure if I'm getting on a plane an hour or two +- on the flight really doesn't matter. Just don't like to land and then have to drive 2+ hours, aka Padukah. The site in Boise is 30 minutes from the airport, nice!

That said, I lived in Seattle until 2 years ago when I moved to FL. WTF! I get to FL and they move Nat's back to near where I was, total BS. Don't the Powers the Be know there is no skiing outside Florida?

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I travel to Boise frequently for work. We were there just yesterday. @BRY is correct. It is a neat little city. Very clean and more progressive then one would think. The Hyde neigborhood Was recently named one of the best on the country to raise a family. they have all 4 seasons. 30 min to bogus basin and great cycling and mountain biking.


I just hope slalom finals are on a Saturday or Sunday so we can come watch!

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  • Baller

@scotchipman Broadside doesn't have rollers, although I may be biased because of where I ski. I travel to Boise for work periodically and the people at both Broadside and Gilbert have gone out of their way to pull me. If I qualify I am going to go this year, but I haven't qualified since 2010.



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  • Baller_
Who is the operations side of the Southern Regionals? Was an operating company unaffiliated with the site established to run the event at Lyman's lake? I heard there was some discussion about this idea this summer and it has been discussed as a possibility in the East. One site in the East has offered to be the host if the Region steps in as the operator and agrees to indemnify the site for any losses.


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  • Baller

My experience with Broadside at the 2010 Regionals was perfectly flat water for my practice ride, but during my regional ride, the water was really busy like @scotchipman describes. They weren't rollers per se, just a lot of undulation. I think the difference was that the non-stop boat traffic during my regionals ride got the water moving, whereas the lake wasn't as active when I did my practice ride. I was talking to a skier who skied a lot there and he told me that the shape of the bottom of the lake is what gets the water moving. He said me there was a deep trench down the middle of the lake.



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Hmmm another no swimming site I suppose. Guess I will let my kids entertain themselves country style so don't come crying or yelling at my kids when we are just trying to have a good time without swimming. @Joemac Luke is really looking forward to playing with Joseph.....hope they have a trampoline, heard about that, I know you had to laugh, I did.
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  • Baller
@lpskier the operations side of my lake is me and my club members, there has never been any talk of a group running an event at my lake. Our EVP proposed the concept of a tournament organizing group running events at sites that could not put together a task force to pull off the event. The Regionals are here for two more years and I have tremendous economic support from the City of Tuscaloosa, which makes this event a reality, I would not attempt without the TTSC. Future dates are under consideration, this will make four of the past five years the Regionals have been at LLUSA
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  • Baller_
Good work, @LLUSA. I was asking because we have stes in the Eastern Region that have said they would be interested in hosting but not operating. I heard the South was talking about a similar bifurcation at one point and was curious if the model had been adopted. If it had, it would have given us northerners something to perhaps use as a model. You have a wonderful site, and your a Region is lucky you are so generous with it.


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