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Anyone using RTP with rubber strap ??


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  • Baller

I am using Reflex white shell boot with HO RTP for my slalom ski right now.

It is quite tight to put my rear foot all the way in so I always struggle to find a perfect spot.

I want to put a rubber strap around my rear foot but am kinda scared whether it is safe or not when my front Reflex releases.

I am not thinking to buy Reflex r-style.


Does anyone using RTP with rubber strap??

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  • Baller

I have seen a heel cup used but not a rubber strap on a slalom. I saw one on Jennifer Lapoint's ski last week. I have seen a strap on a trick ski. The heel cup would do what you are looking for but let you release. I am not sure if anyone makes them Jennifer's looks like it was part of an old adjustable binding.


You could use something like this: https://www.wileyski.com/FIXED_HEEL_UNIT.asp?catID=142 and if it was too high trim it down.

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  • Baller

@ryota Maha heel cup. I was surprised to find that they started selling these again. They also have one on a small plate.



It would take some modification to put one on a rear toe plate. I don't think the heel strap on a slalom is a good idea.

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  • Baller_
So the point of a toe kick..and Ive been advised to move that direction....is the freedom of the heal and even more of the foot to come up off the ski while the ball of the foot stays planted. If you build a strap that limits this movement or using a toe kick that holds your foot flat to the ski you are defeating the purpose and may as well stay with 2 high rap boots or double hard shell.
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@Ryota , i made this set up years ago, when i was free skiing, in between using a rtp, and the full rear wileys that i now use. I just cut down a wileys full rear, and it worked really well for me. Kind of like the maha cup. Hope this helps. Good luck, and happy raster.a41xrniyaduh.jpeg


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  • Baller

I have been using one of these as a RTP heel strap since 2009 without issue. It has stiff bungee running through it; but, I have never had a problem releasing.




I can honestly say that it has prevented injury on many, many occasions when I would have been one in/one out (the out being the rear foot) if it wouldn't have been for the heal strap.


Not a great pic; but, you get the idea.





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