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Face plant way back in 1986 but diggin' the sport ever since.


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Even though I skied quite a bit before, this was my first session in a real ski boat. An American Skier in '86. Someone said..."Ya wanna learn how to barefoot? " it hurt but from that day on I loved the people, the sport, and everything about this great sport. Five Nautiques later and still can't wait to get on the water. I found this clip and just had to share. Not the proper way to learn but back then who cared. https://vimeo.com/174236936




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Ha...yeah, I borrowed that suit. A little large for me, but stylish at the time. My face still hurts when I watch that. I remember being in that American Skier and thinking how am I going to convince my wife to let me buy a real ski boat. At the time I had a Glastron that I put a pylon on. She was driving in Sandusky Bay and while I was making a turn on an old EP the pylon mount sucked right through the gunnel. Left a big hole. Not a happy wife. But we did purchase an '87 Nautique and 30 years later still in the sport. Both my sons were on their college ski teams and we have a nice site to ski. The above video was taken in the Huron River just south of Huron, Ohio. We are all so fortunate to be involved in this great sport and the lifestyle it brings with it.
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  • Baller
In the few summers that I actually barefooted I would always scorpion-faceplant like that. I'm not sure my lower back could take any more of that stuff and after the 4th eardrum blowout I knew I was done with that sport! Haven't footed for years. Never could "fall correctly" by just tumbling it out, particularly on the 5 foot rope off the boom.
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