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How do you say "hit it"?


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  • Baller

The recent safety thread made me wonder what others use instead of the standard "hit it" to get the driver going. My standard is "rutabaga". Others in my group use "kill me", "yee-haw", and "I'll follow you".


We sometimes have theme days where you need to use a word associated with a category - a different one each pass. Recent categories were "green vegetables" and "stripper names". Always popular categories are brewers, brews, wine varieties... what do you use?

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  • Baller

I just say hit it. My son is 9 months old. We're working on "skiing" which is awesome. Before we start "we" always say hit it. The first words were working on are Mommy, Daddy, dogs names, and hit it.


@Porkfight I liked your post obviously not for your dads passing but that's what my dad taught me and I'm passing it on.

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  • Baller_

My current iteration is "Tighten up..... Ready, ( insert driver name). I've also used "Pull please, Tommy" but drivers not named Tommy don't like that one as well.


Of course there is the old saw :" Are you ready ski daddy?" "Let it happen, cap'n."


I hear "Go boat" a lot at tournaments. My ski partner says "Gear. Yup." At Pangaea Puddle, the fashion is "Tally Ho!"


When a gator is in the vicinity I've heard "Get me the f$&k out of here!" I might use that one myself...




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  • Baller
@Orlando76 my son who is now almost 5. Used the phrase "go boat" as one of his first words. He used to say it all the time and multiple times. Most people who didn't ski had no idea what he was talking about. We had to do a lot of explaining that he was a water skier!
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  • Baller_

Southern Canada brought to FL

"Slack out" "Allrighty.."


But as a safety concern do not just say "go" sounds to much like "no"


Also @jetpilotg4 do your lips get tired making all those "p" sounds like that?

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  • Baller

When I'm skiing or driving, it's always "hit it", there can be no confusion about what is meant - That's what I was taught by my dad in the 80's so that's how it continues ;)


I even left a skier hanging out the back this year as they just waited - their normal driver just goes when the line is tight.


But, with the kiddo's learning this year we thought we'd update it a little to make it more fun, so for this year they were allow to shout



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  • Baller
As a tournament driver, I've heard pretty much everything. I say, and I prefer to hear, "I'm ready." Slack is usually not an issue in tournaments I attend, but if there is slack, I say "Ok, you can tighten up" and when the slack is gone, I say the usual "I'm ready."
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  • Baller
funny story about that...one of my ski partners always says, "whenever" once he 's ready...so, when he was sitting in some pretty cold water this spring, he said, "whenever", and we just sat there....you know what we said to him when he started go bats__t crazy when we didn't go....LOL
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  • Baller

Anything you want except don't use "go" and "no".

I always say "in gear" and "yep" or "ok".

If I get pulled sideways by an inattentive driver, I yell "wait" or "stop", then offer pleasantries and other sage advice....


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