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Impending crash - which action do you take?


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  • Baller_

Scenario: you are completing your turn and hooking up. You had some slack and you have skied over the rope. There is no opportunity to re-adjust your ski and avoid continuing over the rope. Which option do you take?


A. Hold onto the handle and brace yourself.

B. Release the handle and brace yourself.


I had this happen last night and selected option A. Well, it was selected for me, as everything was so unexpected and happened fast. The net result was that the eventual tightening of the rope flung the ski out of the water and over my head....with my feet still in the bindings. I held the rope through the completion of that maneuver and wrenched my shoulder a bit in the process.


But, it made me wonder what would be the better choice. It seems that letting go of the rope (B) would either hook the ski tip with the handle or possibly wrap around the tip of the ski like a noose. Both of those seem a bit more violent on your ankles or knees.


Anybody have this happen? First time for me. Also, I wonder if it is more common/probable at shorter line lengths. Mine was at 32 off.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
I've had it happen multiple times. No necessarily due to slack, but getting on the tail and the tip of the ski going up, then coming down over the rope. I have always let go as soon as I realized it was going to happen. Not much chance of ski getting caught on rope.
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Aside: This (admittedly rare) scenario is one reason to have a binding release from the toe. If the handle somehow grabs your ski, it can yank it very hard.

There are not many bindings that can release from the toe (including the one I am using right now :( ), and it's not a true "must have" feature imo. But this is the one case where it's a good feature. MOB, for example, can do it.

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  • Baller

@Than_Bogan I've had the handle catch the tip of the ski in a fall and it broke the ski at the front of the front binding. My bindings don't have a toe release. Don't know if a toe release binding would have helped or not.


I've had friends put their arm through the handle. I always hold onto the handle until it is pulled from my hands.

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  • Baller_

@DaveD, you did not have the tailwind that gave me the extra slack, when I skied it improperly, so you probably did not have as much risk. My rope was nearly laying on the water when I ran over it in almost full pulling position. I took today off from skiing....and took some Aleve.


@skidawg, I have always worn neoprene-lined shorts to prevent enema. I've seen too many others on the receiving end of the boat-powered super flush.


It seems as though not many here are concerned about the rope/handle catching or enveloping the ski and applying some heavy torque to their ankles or knees. That seems like a legit issue, though.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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