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Regina's Pending Record of 3.5 @ 41 (BOAT VIDEO)


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  • Baller

OK nutty I agree like holy crap.


Having said that her ski when she is stood up is nearly pointing down the rope line and already well inside the buoy line. Given her height on the boat, that IS cross course and then she throws it down to more cross course yet and stacks up.


When most of us get stood up our ski is far more down course in direction, we are not nearly so far inside the buoy line, and our pass is over.


Amazing talent/strength/skill from Regina but her getting stood up is not like the rest of us getting stood up. Kudo's what amazing skiing from Regina again and again.

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  • Baller
Her ski is pointed outside the line of the rope while the boat is running away. And it flares up with only the fin area in the water. I don't care how you label it, but that is stood the hell up no matter where you are in the course. Ask Rossi or CP what they'd do when their ski flares and delays before engaging like that and puts the tip outside the line of the rope. Probably pray.
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  • Baller

Just to illustrate how amazing she is....and that it's not a pass killer to stand up a little after an offside turn....look at numero uno on this pass. Very similar. Maybe the difference is that he gets 3 ball a little better here?? She's that close!!!



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