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Would this impact your plans for Nationals????


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What if there were other tournaments nearby during the Nationals week? Instead of only one Nationals ride you could get 3 or more additional rounds.


@Russell I am thinking slalom but we could do the same thing for trick.

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You guys leave the sanctioning/rules issues to me. That is a completely different subject. Let's assume the extra rounds are at least Class C if not class L.
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  • Baller_
I won't qualify, but you are on the right track with this. It would definitely appeal to me much more than just a one and done. And, if it can be done without substantially altering/extending Nationals or placing undue pressure on the organizers, it would be a very tempting incentive.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
Extra rounds would better justify the expense and time off from work. If its just me skiing one round to place 25th or so, more than likely I don't go to Nationals or Regionals. My wife and kids would probably ski the class C if available.
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  • Baller

Something to spread the cost of travel would be great (extra rounds, a lake to demo new skis, coaching clinic, etc...). However, it would take an awful lot to justify traveling 1000+ miles for regionals and then likely 2000+ miles for nationals this year.


I would vote extra jump rounds over slalom, but my wife consistently tells me something between my ears isn't right...

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I hate to go off topic on my own thread but what about this idea?


What if the same day as your Nationals ride you ski a second round that is handicapped based on your Nationals ride? You have to pay for it before your Nationals ride. If you stink it up really bad at Nationals you still have a great chance of winning the Handicap.


A handicap round could be run every evening and regardless of age group. So everyone who skis on Monday could enter the Monday handicap round. You could not go straight handicap.... the guy who misses his opener does not get a 100 ball advantage. Maybe a -6 compared to USAWS average would be the max handicap. Those details are ease to define.

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@jcamp If Nationals was at a 4 lake site and there was enough daylight and it did not impact practice the same site would be best.


For now I am just thinking out loud. In my mind there is a problem and I am working through possible solutions. I still much prefer the idea of more tournament rides* for my plane ticket and hotel room cost. Somehow it has to be win win for most parties involved.


Side note: I sometimes read skiers talk about how practice rides during an event are still part of the reason to be there. I do not get that. I take a practice ride or 2 on site only to feel the water to get ready for my official ride.



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  • Baller

I like the idea, however I would want to be sure they had a cap on entries so;


1. be sure to be done before it gets dark (unless you made it a night event, interesting option)

2. I wouldn't want to be waiting around for hours for my set.


I actually like the night idea. Might be something fun that most people never get a chance to really do. And the heat at Nationals is always an issue so this would be a way to stay cool.

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@disland yes yes yes entry numbers have to be capped for time and for officials availability. Don't worry about details throw out ideas.
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So far a lot of official people like the idea. Unfortunately I've yet to deal with any of the people that actually can make it happen. The wheels are turning.
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  • Baller

From the 2017 Nationals - WBP's Discussion with AWSA/p1 thread:


6. Need the ability to host additional tournaments throughout Nationals. These events would be sanctioned as the following ski year only if that event was complete at Nationals.


Straw pole (non‐binding; for informational use only)

Strongly opposed ‐ 0

Yes ‐ 17

Undecided ‐ 0


Seems idea already presented to AWSA BOD and though informal, non-binding, seems strong support as no undecided/opposing votes.


I think having a tournament in concert with Nat's does not violate the intention of the rule not allowing other sanctions at same time. Such a tournament does not detract from Nationals or Nationals participation, it most likely enhances both. I understand the intent of the rule is to prevent tournaments elsewhere, hundreds or thousands of miles away, from detracting from Nationals. Say a tournament in Bakersfield when Nationals are in Texas would be a no.

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If there was a BallOfSpray event parallel to Nationals, would you be as interested if it were class F or does it need to be Class C or higher?
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  • Baller
@Horton depends on the format. If you're just going to provide 2 or 3 rounds of slalom, class C or better. If you want to test or use some other format, perhaps mixed classes would be good - class C (or E) for prelims and class F for semis/finals or whatever.
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  • Baller_
I vote "C" since everyone at Nationals will probably want a score if they can get it. You can sanction C and F to accommodate any non members. Unless of course what you are driving at is an unconventional format, in which case I give @Horton my proxy to do what he thinks is best for the event.


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@lpskier the idea go going to class F is almost all about simplification. If we were to do an event like this we CAN NOT take officials away from Nationals.
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  • Baller_

@Horton Like I said, you have my proxy! That said, with approval of the regional EVP, you can run a C with one regular judge and some assistant judges, assistant scorers and assistant drivers and a state safety guy. Your regular judge can be chief judge and chief driver. None of the assistants nor the state safety guy can work Nationals so no impact there. Get your regular rated chief judge from someone not wanting to judge Nationals. Then no impact.


Your bigger "impact" if you want to cal it that, is attracting away regular or senior officials that might want to help out at Nationals (like me) who come over to your event to ski instead. Also, your national caliber skiers may want some name recognition behind the wheel.


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  • Baller
Personally skiing three events I don't take any practice rounds and feel I get enough skiing, maybe more people should indulge in other events aside from just slalom. Also volunteering and participating as an official increases engagement at events and improves the overall experience for everyone while adding value to your time. In Boise the night jump was awesome, and so was the regional team competition, this is an important piece of the social aspect. Competition is great but there's a lot more going on at a ski tournament, the selfish me attitude that's only concerned with your own run and winning adds stress and takes away from your surroundings and the fact that these events bring other likeminded people to the same place and that overall the event is something greater than yourself is gold. Don't get me wrong I love to win but there's a lot to miss if your overly fixated on it. The event itself should be celebrated as should all the people, there's way more non winning skiers than winning skiers and the 'if your not first your last' attitude can cause an entire trip to turn south real fast. Fixating on the individual aspect takes away from the the sport and the social/ humanitarian aspect of our Is what should really be treasured.
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  • Baller

Having skied the multi round (qualifying and finals) format, I'm not sure it is more fun. There's a lot more pressure requiring more focus on the tournament, not the travel to the tournament region. A large part of the fun of big far away tournaments is spending some time touring and enjoying the sights, activities and people in that area. Tournaments justify and generate the travel - the entire adventure is what is remembered, not just another red buoy.


I certainly do not prefer multi rounds to a smaller Nationals. @Jody_Seal works hard enough already - some tradeoff would be necessary to fit in more rounds. I love the big pageant feel of Nationals. It takes a lot of skiers to get that. Not extra rounds.


I have enjoyed the times I three evented at Nationals. Already you can get more rides at Nationals. Take up trick and jump!



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Ok @eleeski if I host a trick event on another lake during Nationals I assume you will not enter.
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  • Baller

I'll certainly be there if it's a trick clinic. I'll even coach if you want.


As far as a tournament goes, it really depends on how it affects my focus for the important competition. I'm not as strong as I used to be so extra skiing is not always good for my scores.


Note that my training for the prelims at Senior Worlds with an easier qualifying run paid off when I got hurt. I had a run I could fall back on. The multi round format helped me here. Last time however, I barely made the finals. So I'm not sure how much I really like it.



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