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Don't be this guy


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I feel like some of you come here looking for an argument. If that is you perhaps I can suggest another web site.


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  • Baller

My personal favorite quick sketch from MP.


Mrs Non-Smoker What, you been shopping then?

Mrs Smoker Nope ... I've been shopping!

Mrs Non-Smoker What d'you buy?

Mrs Smoker A piston engine!

Mrs Non-Smoker What d'you buy that for?

Mrs Smoker It was a bargain!

Mrs Non-Smoker How much d'you want for it?

Mrs Smoker Three quid!

Mrs Non-Smoker Done. (she hands over the money)

Mrs Smoker Right. Thank you.

Mrs Non-Smoker How d'you cook it?

Mrs Smoker You don't cook it.

Mrs Non-Smoker You can't eat that raw!


Those scruffy lads from the Cambridge Glee club were a bunch clever gents.

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