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O'Brien World Team Opinions


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Looking for a new ski for this season, most of it will be spent free skiing but a couple chances to hit the course. Im 5'6 and around 140lbs. Im looking at a 66" 2017 O'Brien world team ski or used 66" 2012 Radar Vice. I know the vice is a much higher end ski but its suppose to be skied at 34mph, but im only going to be skiing around 30mph. I feel the O'Brien would be a better fit but I dont want it to hold me back. If anyone has input on either ski it would be greatly appreciated !
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@mushamushskier Skis like the World Team are really the bottom of the scale. It is a well built inexpensive ski but there are so many better skis on the market. Most of the other skis in the O'Brien line would be better.


The Vice will work fine at 30 mph.

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  • Baller
If you can get up, consistently, on any ski, it may be an adjustment, but I really don't think it's going to be a hindrance. My ski partner had never skied at all two years ago. He learned very quickly on a Radar Theory and moved to an HO S2, which has some forebody width to it, but his ability to get out of the water was not an issue. He's gone to an HO VTR and a Radar Senate, but now on an Arc. None of which hurt his deep water starts.
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